make-out paradise

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The month flew for Aiko her last days as a single woman was finally coming to an end. Yet she felt bad for Shisui, Aiko was inexperienced when it came to men and love as a whole. At the age of 18, the only relationship she had with the opposite gender was occasionally chattered with Lord Fourth's son, Naruto Uzumaki who enjoyed talking to Aiko due to her strange resemblance to his mother. Yet she didn't like counting that one since he was still a child.

"I swear are we related somehow I mean your hair it's so similar to my mothers," he would always say when they spoke.

"My father had this dark red-haired color, besides your mother's hair is much brighter than mine," Aiko would respond the same way as well but she would ruffle his yellow locks.

Itachi was also another person she considered an acquaintance. Though at one point in her life she wished him more than just that, but life went on and she focussed on her studies.

"You seem lost in thought?" Aiko was snapped into reality once more. She was at a tea shop as she avoids being at home, she couldn't face her eldest sister anymore. When suddenly a boy around her age sat in front of her. His hair was black and flowed freely with lose curls complementing the flow. Along with eyes that matched the deep black of his hair.

"Uh, yeah I suppose I am," she sighed and placed her pencil on the table.

"What's brewing in your mind?" he questioned while holding his teacup.

"I-I..." she was going to speak but she found it odd that this boy suddenly appeared before her.

"Please don't take it the wrong way, but have we met before?" her green eyes squinted while she tried to remember the young man before her.

"No, I just saw the book you have with you," Shisui signature crooked smile formed on his face.

"Not too many people really have the taste for that kind of literature," he chuckled softly and took a sip from his black tea.

"Yeah, this book is meant for certain people," she smiled bashfully as she felt her cheeks heat up. Aiko slowly pulled the book onto her lap in embarrassment for leaving it out in the open.

"I believe Make-Out Paradise is extremely underrated," he whispered softly and pulled out his own copy which he had hidden in his jounin vest. Aiko's eyes widen and her embarrassment lifted.

"It really is!" Aiko smiled and straightened her posture. She had no idea the young man before was her soon to be husband. But when Shisui saw her at the tea shop he couldn't control himself. He was too excited not to speak to her and his mother doesn't have to know about their encounter.

So he took the chance and spoke to her, he told a white lie about meeting him before, but Shisui wanted their encounter to be genuine. Out of pure luck, it was, the two clicked naturally. Yet the hold time Aiko knew that she wouldn't speak to the boy again since she would be married in the days to come.

Well, she didn't know she'd be marrying him.

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