head in the clouds

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Aiko's hand carefully scrubbed the dishes clean. Her mind blank not wanting to think. She was like a robot going through the motions of everyday life. Aiko had days like these, days where she felt like she was in a haze, where she didn't know what exactly she was doing or feeling.

She didn't know why she would feel like this, but she knew that she hated it. She hates it when her mind goes go blank and when she can't feel anything. It reminded Aiko of the years after her father died. During that time, she felt like everything was moving forward but her, she watched the academy students practicing jutsus and all she could do was watch.

"Aiko! Aiko! Look what I found!" Shisui immediately snapped Aiko out of her haze state.

"Hm?" she hummed while looking over to her immature husband.

"It's a miniature tree!" he grinned while placing he newly found object by a window.

"How adorable," she smiled at his excitement rather than the actual plant.

"Right! And also, what were you thinking about just now? You seemed very focused," he walked up behind her, carefully snaking his arms around her waist while placing his chin on her shoulder.

"Nothing," she responded, her hands now drying the dishes she had finished washing.

"Oh, are you sure?" he asked, his face countering in a worried expression.

"Yeah, I just had my head in the clouds," she responded, her stomach filling with butterflies. Aiko loved the way he cared for her so much. It made her feel special since she wasn't used to having anyone's attention.

"If you say so...but you know Aiko, I'm your husband, so you should always talk to be when your feeling—" Aiko gave him a quick peck on the cheek, shutting him up immediately.

"Don't worry about—" Shisui the gripped her by the waist and turned her around so that they were faced to face.

"I will and will always worry about you. You are my wife, and your needs are my needs, your problems are my problems, your happiness is my happiness. You aren't alone anymore, you have me," his words deeply struck Aiko, so much so she hadn't realized that tears had begun to stream down her face.

"I-I...I just don't know how t-to give b-back to you. I'm not u-use to affection. I'm not used to any of this. I feel like I'm failing you, Shisui. I feel like you deserve more than me," Aiko had no control of what she was saying; she only spoke from what she could feel at the moment.

"Aiko, you're not failing me! Oh god, please don't ever think that! I know this is all new to you, my dear! What we have is one of a kind, taking things slow and steady it feels so right! You make coming home feel like a reward. Those weeks I'm off on missions, all I think about is coming home to you! Don't worry about how affectionate you are! And I know this is still new to you, so do whatever feels right to you!" Shisui cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumb, a warm smile placed on his face.

"I love you," Shisui's eyes widen, his heart fluttering at those three words.

"Shisui Uchiha, I love you," she repeated.

"Y-You do?" he couldn't help but tear up himself. That was what he yearned to hear.

"Mhm," she shook her head, sniffling her tears away.

"Aiko Uzumaki-Kagami-Uchiha, I love you too!" he pulled her face into a passionate kiss, making Aiko press her lips back just as intense.

No matter how much of a haze Aiko could be in, Shisui brought her out of if.

Shisui is the light she needs, and Aiko finally understood that.

He is the flame that lights her torch.



hello! this chapter is so cute kaksjsjsjaaj i love these two so much 🥺🥰


thank you for reading ! i hope you enjoyed!

the fluff is real in this story 😩💗

Love you all! omg i can't believe people read my stories it makes my heart so warm!
especially when you guys comment 😭 i love reading comments they make my day❤️

but anyways
i hope you had a good day!

much love and stay safe 💜

shameless promo:

Change- Shikamaru Nara au

+ [Plus]- Kakashi Hatake au (based of a song)

Watch- Kakashi Hatake au (sequel to +Plus)

Serendipity- Itachi Uchiha au

Vigilant- Keigo Takami au

Touch- Tamaki Amajiki au

Freak- BNHA au

Sinful thoughts, love full heart- basically any anime that i've watched lol

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