the truth

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My dearest Aiko,
If you are reading this instead of me explaining it to you, that means I have already died in battle. I'm very sorry that it has to be this way my little tomato, but, let me tell you the meaning of your beautiful red hair. You got fortunate to inherit such color from your father, Akane Uzumaki. Yes, you, my dear, are an Uzumaki, and so is your sister. She just got unlucky with her hair color. Do what you will with this information, I just wanted to make sure that you know who you truly are. The only people who know this are Kushina Uzumaki, Kagami Uchiha, and our little family. Now for my final explanation, this box has been passed down for generations, and the first to be married always inherits it. With this box, you can put whatever you want in it, it will be sealed forever, and can only be open with our blood being placed on the key. That should be no problem since you should be a kunoichi by now. If you have any questions, Kushina should be able to answer them. The items within are heirlooms, and you will wear them with pride. I wish I could have spent more time with my beautiful family. I love you all so very much!
- Akane Uzumaki

"But I'm not a kunoichi," [y/n] sighed as she grabbed the key.

"What do you have to do," Riko asked while looking at the key and to the box.

"I have to put my blood on the key every time I open it every time," she grabbed the key, examining the unusual sharpened groves.

"It's like a summoning! Pierce your skin and after focus chakra to that wound and it will heal effortlessly,"

Aiko sighed again. She felt defeated, her father wanted her to be a kunoichi, yet Aiko hated the shinobi world.

She despised the shinobi world for taking her father away, and at this point, she couldn't see herself ever being part of it.


"Married before your big bro Obito? I can't believe it!" Obito acted shock as he ate the lunch he bought while Shisui excitedly began to unwrap his meal.

"AND you didn't invite me?!" Obito sighed in disappointment.

"It was a small thing. Once she is comfortable, we are going to have a big party and a wedding!" Shisui opens his bento box that was filled with delicious-looking food.

"Wow! She really does love you!" Obito leaned towards the box, his mouth watered in the process.

"I didn't even ask for her to make me lunch she just did it," Shisui had a childish grin on his face, as he thought of Aiko.

"She so amazing," he bit into his onigiri, Obito just chuckled while watching his partner.

"A home-cooked meal beats anything else," Obito began to eat his lunch as well.

Shisui was on could nine, and he felt so loved while eating the meal. He could just imagine Aiko cooking and packing it.

"But to think you got married before me," Obito sighed as food stuck to the corners of his mouth.

"Well, you don't man up and ask Rin out, so it's kind of your problem," Shisui spoke with food in his mouth.

"I don't know...I feel like she doesn't want a relationship,"

"You'll never know until you try,"

"Yeah, you moron, stop being a little baby," Kakashi made his way to his teammates. They all sat together at a small tea shop.

"What about you, Kakashi anyone special floating in your life," Shisui asked, a blissful look on his face.

"I'm not interested in a relationship," he spoke as he began to eat his lunch.

"You're still a virgin, huh?" Obito laughed aloud, nearly choking on his food.

"Obito, you act as if you have been intimate with the opposite gender," Kakashi scoffed, rolling his eye in the process.

"What makes you think the most handsome Uchiha would still be a virgin," Obito placed his hand on his chest as he held his head high.

"Because you look like a pirate," Kakashi bluntly spoke.

"So do you!" Obito retorted.

"Yeah, but I'm not annoying," Kakashi mimics Obito by also placing his hand on his chest.

"Pft. Whatever...What about you Shisui, you're a married man now you must have—"

"Nope, I'm waiting until she's ready. Not pressuring her to do anything intimate until she's comfortable, and we get to know  each other more!" Shisui cut off his comrade before he could finish his question.

"As of now, a simple poke on the forehead will do," the unkept haired Uchiha smiled gently.

"Aiko is very lucky to have you as a husband," Kakashi nodded his head in approval.

"I think it's the other way around," Shisui sipped his water.

"Because she's way too good for me," he laughed a bit as he continued to eat his meal delightfully.

"I feel that you guys make a good pair!" Obito replied, and Kakashi nodded in agreement.

"You should take Aiko to the firework show this weekend," Obito winked at the Uchiha, who was genuinely focusing on his scrumptious lunch.

"Oh! That sounds like fun! I will definitely take her," Shisui spoke, his mouth full of food.

"Shisui, she'll end up leaving you with those horrible table manners of yours," Kakashi chuckled, shaking his head side to side. Shisui quickly wiped his mouth with his napkin swallowing his food as well.

"You're right," Shisui gave him a sorry smile, rubbing the top of his head in embarrassment.


{[a/n]: Yo!

hope you enjoyed!

this book as been getting a lot of love lately so thank you so much!

feel free to check out my other stories!

stay safe and much love ❤️

-marle 🦋

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