he's back

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So much time has gone passed, and Aiko could already feel that her labor was just around the corner. Yet she's terrified in the fact that Shisui hasn't returned. Aiko knew that being so worried wasn't good for the baby, and everyone around made sure to remind her of that.

So most of the time, Aiko would stay in her room, reading books and speaking to her baby. She is the calmest when she's by herself. It was mid-day, and Aiko was readying a book about parenting. She made sure to read out loud for her child to listen along. Her peaceful time was abruptly interrupted by Itachi, who quickly swung her room door open. The look on his face said it all, Aiko felt her heart flutter.

"H-He's back?" she whispered while putting her book onto her nightstand. Itachi nodded and quickly began to help [y/n] gather her belongings.

"Yes, he's in critical condition, but he's back. They aren't allowing visitors, but I know you'd at least want to be in the same building," Itachi spoke while leading her out of her home.

"I have to tell Hae," Aiko began to look around.

"She's with my mother, their praying at the moment," Aiko immediately stopped after that.

"I-Is he that bad, Itachi," her hands bundled up into fists as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Aiko, he's made it this far. There's no way he's going to let some injuries take him out now," Itachi placed his hand onto the top of her head.

"Come on, I bet as soon as he hears your voice, he'll wake up," he gave her a closed eyed smile.


"I'm his wife," Aiko spoke timidly to the nurse at the front desk.

"Shisui Uchiha is under a couple of medical procedures at the moment, but since you're his wife, I can have you wait in his room until he is done," the nurse smiled kindly.

"Can he come with me please," Aiko pointed over to Itachi.

"I suppose I'll let that slide, but only because Shisui Uchiha is one of my favorite shinobi, who deserves a good welcome home," she winked while leading the pair to Shisui's hospital room.

"Thank you, ma'am," both Aiko and Itachi bowed in respect.

"Of course," she responded.

"Do...Do you know what's going on with Shisui," Aiko asked as she fiddled with her fingers.

"My dear, I do not want to stress you out! You are pregnant. This environment isn't good for your baby," she shook her head no.

"Please, I think the suspense is making th-things worst, j-just tell me what's going on...i-it'll give me some peace of mind," Aiko stammered through her words.

The nurse sighed, "He's has a severe injury in his left eye, many broken bones, internal bleeding, and possible brain damage. That part still isn't clear," Aiko and Itachi both felt their stomachs drop.

"But Lady Tsuande is treating him, so please don't fret too much," Aiko's worry was slightly lifted after hearing the best medical-nin was performing on her husband.

"He should be out in a few hours. Please let me know if you need anything," the nurse opened the hospital room allowing both Aiko and Itachi.

"Thank you, ma'am," Aiko sniffled while walking into her bare room.

"Shisui is a strong young man. I just know he's going to make it out," the nurse gave her one last smile before leaving. Aiko swallowed hard as she nodded in agreement.

"My husband is incredibly strong," she spoke softly while looking over at Itachi, who also shook his head in agreement.


highly requested update!
so here it is! i think i actually like this chapter!
now that i have a train of thought going the updates for this story shouldn't be too scarce!

if you like drop a follow!
i usually ask you guys what updates you'd like to see for my account and i do my best to provide them for you!

this time around you guys really wanted a patience update so i made sure to do it!


thank you for being here! i love you! 😭💜

much love and stay safe my dears
- dummy marle

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