a blessing in disguise

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"Shisui," she cuddled closer to him, as the firework show came closer to the end.

"Yes, Aiko," his gaze lowered down to her, a pleasant smile on his face. With no warning, she placed her lips on his. Shisui eyes widen in shock, and he felt a rush flow through his body. But that didn't stop him from kissing back. He even cupped her cheek to deepen the kiss. A few seconds after the night was no longer being illuminated from the explosion of the fireworks. Allowing Aiko to let go, leaving Shisui yearning for more slowly.

"You caught me off guard there, Aiko," Shisui was blushing immensely, even more than Aiko.

"I-I'm s-sorry! I th-thought th-that—" he hushed her with another kiss, and this time he was in control. Her lips felt like heaven, Shisui could almost melt into them. As the need for air began to take over, they released once more.

"You kissed me first!" Shisui grinned excitedly, wrapping his arms around Aiko's waist and pulling her onto his lap.

"I-I d-did," Aiko covered her face in embarrassment, now realizing what she did was out of her comfort zone.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed! That was our first kiss. You should be excited!" Shisui tugged her hands away.

"I didn't mean to be so abrupt, it just felt like—"

"It was the right moment," he finished her sentence, an endearing expression on his face. Aiko couldn't help it, she kissed him again, cupping his face into her hands. It felt so perfect. He felt so perfect.

That was the moment when she finally fell in love with him.

That was when she knew that their marriage was indeed a blessing in disguise.

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