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"Akane had this enormous strength. He could destroy the earth below him without even breaking a sweat!" Kagami had light in his eyes as he spoke to Aiko. Shisui stood dumbfounded by the door; it's been years since the last time he has seen his father so—happy. Aiko just started to live here, and she was already making such a significant impact.

"Good morning, father, good morning, Aiko," Shisui smiled sweetly while he slowly made his way inside.

"G-Good morning, Sh-Shisui!" Aiko shot up from the bed, realizing that their chatter could have awakened her husband.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to say farewell before I go to my mission," Shisui places a hand behind his neck.

"Should I walk you to the gate?" Aiko asked shyly as she began to make her way towards her husband.

Shisui cheeks flushed red as he saw his wife look so timid. She seemed so precious to him, and he couldn't resist denying her.

"That would be lovely," Shisui smiled giddily as he rocked on the heels of his shoes.

"Well, then why don't I get you your lunch and we'll be in our way?" Aiko returned a shy smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Uchiha, for the stories they were delightful," Aiko bowed at her father-in-law and quickly made her way out.

"I'll see you soon, father," Shisui also bowed and followed his red-haired wife.

He made his way to the entrance of the home, silently waiting for Aiko.

"I made you some lunch. I hope you enjoy it," Aiko had the cutest smile on her face as she made her way towards Shisui, it made him weak in the knees.

"I will always enjoy anything you make, Aiko. I have no choice; you're my wife," that hundred dollar smile formed on his face as he opens the door.

"You still have to critique my cooking, I'm sure there is room for improvement," Aiko and Shisui began to walk side by side.

"Did you sleep well?" her husband asked a worried look on his face.

"Yes, I did your bed is surprisingly comfortable," Aiko looked up to him a shy smile on her face.

"I'm glad. I was worried you'd feel weird sleeping with me," Shisui let out a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It was nice having you there, I-I didn't feel alone," Aiko responded, her light emerald eyes looked forward taking in the morning scenery, the crisp breeze flowed through her crimson red hair. Though they hardly know each other, they still felt comfortable being together. Shisui gave Aiko no reason to fear him since the moment they met, Shisui has treated her well.

"I kept waking up because I felt myself snoring, and I didn't want to wake you," Shisui laughed, letting out a let snort in the process.

"Just your luck, I am a very heavy sleeper," Aiko giggled while looking down to the ground.

"Well this is it, I'll see you in a few days," Shisui stopped once they reach the main gate.

"Here's you're lunch," Aiko raised the white cloth bag towards his chest. A timid smile formed on her lips as her eyes looked to the side, too embarrassed to give him eye contact.

"Thank you, Aiko," Shisui placed his hand on top of her head. He leaned in, which caused Aiko to close her eyes as her body tensed up, and her face flushes a bright red. Aiko wasn't sure if she was truly ready for her first kiss. Yet his lips weren't placed on hers, Shisui's hand traveled down to the side of her face, tucking in some of her hair behind her ear.

"I'll miss you, Aiko," her eyes quickly shot open as she felt a light poke on her forehead. Shisui took the lunch into his hands, leaving Aiko to place her fingertips on her forehead.

"I-I'll miss you too, Sh-Shisui, please be careful," Aiko was utterly confused. She was expecting a kiss, but instead, she got a poke, and for some reason, she felt all warm in the fuzzy inside.

Could this be love?

"I'll do my best!" and with that, Shisui flickered out of sight.



i dropped a new akaashi short story! it's based off a song! and it won't be to long probably the same amount of chapters as

so yeah you're more then welcomed to check it out !

thank you ❤️

much love and stay safe
-marle 🦋

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