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"Shh, Shisui, your parents are sleeping," Aiko whispered, as her husband picked her up bridal style and showered her with kisses. The two had quickly grew addicted to one another's lips.

They attempted to make their way towards their room quietly, but their giggles and the light sounds of their lips kissing still filled the home.

"I just can't get enough," he smiled breathlessly, quickly opening their bedroom door.

"Your lips are addictive, Aiko," his wife's cheeks blushed even more, as the clicking of the door shutting echoed through their room.

"I-I don't know why you say that you're my first kiss! I have no experience," she chuckled nervously, Shisui could only smile as he placed Aiko on the bed, his body hovering over hers.

"I think that's what makes it even better, all your kisses will be mine. And we can practice kissing all you want until you think you are a pro!" he leaned down and began to place kisses along he neck.

"Sh-Shisui," she placed her hands on her shoulder. He hummed at the way she said his name.

"I-I'm still n-not ready for you know—that," her eyebrows bent in embarrassment.

"Oh! It's ok! I-I didn't mean to be so r-rash!" Shisui quickly removed himself from above her.

"It's fine, I didn't want to get your hopes up," Aiko then began to play with the seams of her yukata.

"Whenever you're ready, I'm ready," he caressed her cheek.

"Please just have patience I'll be ready I promise,"

"Take your time Aiko. I'm not in a rush! I mean, look how excited I got just being able to hold you and kiss you," he pulled her into his chest.

"I can fall asleep tonight as the happiest man in Konoha!" he pressed his lips onto the top of her dark red hair.

"You're easy to make happy," Aiko giggled lightly as she snuggled closer into him.

"Anything you do will make me happy,"


{[a/n]: THANK YOU FOR 4k!!!

sorry for slaking:((

but don't worry i'm still writing! my goal is to complete my naruto stories so i can start my BNHA stories!



much love and stay safe!!!


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