a friendly gathering

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"Wakey, Wakey!" Shisui announces as he entered their room with a plate filled with breakfasts.

"Hmm?" Aiko hummed as her eyes cracked open.

"I made you breakfast!" he grinned excitedly, bringing the plate closer to her.

"What about your mother?" she worried since Aiko would always make her breakfast.

"She's at Itachi's house! It's just you and me tomato," Aiko began to set up, her eyes giving him a confused look.

"What's wrong?" Shisui began to feel self concession.

"Tomato?" Aiko let out a small laugh.

"What? You're my tomato!" he then handed her the plate, which was filled with white rice, a perfectly cooked salmon, and a side of miso soup.

"Eat up. I got plans for us today!" Shisui patted her head tenderly.


"Where we going?" Aiko asked as Shisui clipped her necklace on.

"Obito invited us a small gathering since Rin was promoted to jonin!" he responded, Aiko then let's go of her red locks once Shisui was done.

"Obito? Rin?" Aiko asked nervously. This would be the first time she'd meet his friends, other than Itachi.

"They are my friends from work! I'm excited that you are finally going to meet them!" Shisui began to twirl a strand of her hair.

"Oh, okay then, that sounds exciting," Aiko smiled nervously.

"You'll love them! I just know it," Shisui and Aiko began to make their way downstairs.

"Kakashi will be there, so will Itachi, and possibly Izumi!" Shisui continued to call out names, which worsened Aiko's social anxiety.

"How e-exciting!" Aiko laughed Anxiously, her matcha colored eyes closed as she smiled.

"Let me go get the mochi!" Aiko quickly walked to the kitchen.

"You made mochi?" Shisui shouted from the door.

"We can't go empty handed!" Aiko responded, grabbing the tray filled with the goodies.

"You never cease to amaze me!" he ran his hand through his untamed hair.

"Okay, let us get going then," she walked towards him, her heart racing, not sure if she's ready to meet so many people. Aiko walked right next to her husband, who locked his elbow with hers, and within seconds they appeared in front of a Obito's home.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Aiko sighed as Shisui began to lead her into the gathering.

"It's am efficient way to travel!" Shisui knocked no the door.

"Indeed it is," Aiko let out a light chuckle when the door swung open.

"Shisui!" a man with spiked black hair greeted enthusiastically.

"And his beautiful wife, Aiko," he placed his hand out, welcoming Aiko to a handshake.

"My name is Obito! I've heard a lot about you!" Aiko placed her hand gingerly, on top of his.

"N-Nice to m-meet you," Aiko responded, her voice shook as the level of her social anxiety grew.

"Come in! The whole team is here!" Obito steps aside, allowing the couple to enter. Shisui and Obito began to have conversations, while Aiko awkwardly walked along with them. Obito then takes the mochi Aiko had prepared once they entered the living room.

"Ahh, Shisui! Aiko!" A girl with brown hair exclaimed, quickly making her way towards the pair. Aiko was in awe, completely surprised by how everyone seems to know her while she knew none of them.

"Rin, congratulations on your promotion!" Shisui gave her a gentle side hug.

"H-Hello! And c-congratulations on promoting to jonin," Aiko was excited in meeting her, but she could only handle so many social interactions.

"You are absolutely beautiful! Shisui, you really nagged yourself a beauty!" Rin's eyes scanned Aiko's long red hair.

"Th-Thank you," Aiko smiled her cheeks beginning to blush.

"My wife is gorgeous," Shisui placed a kiss on Aiko's cheek. Rin laughed and began to lead them to the rest of the gathering. Aiko inching closer to Shisui as she met more of his friends. Shaking hands with every one of them, a bashful smile on her face.

Once the introductions were over, they all sat along a table. Aiko silent but intrigued in all of their conversations.

"Aiko, so what's it like living with that goofball!" a young woman by the name of Rena asked.

"O-Oh uh, It's great, when he's home he always spends his time with me," Aiko grinned, but from the corner of her eye, she saw Shisui's expression change.

"He's not a pain? When we use to hang out, he was always up to no good!" she giggled, giving Shisui a teasing smirk.

"Um, as of now, he been pleasant to live with. Like today he made me breakfast in bed," Aiko was too naive to notice that Rena was trying to hint at her and Shisui's past relationship.

Rena laughed aloud, "That's not my Shisui! He doesn't know how to cook!"Aiko finally realized what was happening, the room went quiet, Shisui posture stiffens, and his hand clenched in anger.

"Oh! Well...Uh, my Shisui does! But...that might because he tends to watch me a lot when I cook," Aiko placed her hand on Shisui's thigh, trying her best to calm him.

"But besides that, Rin, how does it feel achieving such an amazing rank!" Aiko began to move away from the awkward situation. Everyone perked up as Aiko starts to lighten the mood once more.  Shisui couldn't help but feel guilty, not once did he tell her about his previous flings.

"It's exciting but nerve-racking at the same time! I got to prove to these punks I'm just as strong as them!" Rin smiled pridefully.

"As if!" Kakashi snickers.

"We are the top dogs here!" Obito added, and once again, the ambiance was changed. Laughs and chatter filled the room, but Shisui was still able to notice the discomfort Aiko felt after speaking to Rena.

Shisui knew after tonight he would finally confess about his prior entanglement with Rena. Something he wasn't very excited for.

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