morning tea

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It has been a month since Shisui left. Aiko and Hae had grown significantly closer. They'd gotten into a good habit of having morning tea every day with each other. Mostly talking about her husband since Hae is Aiko's only source of Shisui knowledge.

"Hun, are you okay? You don't look so well this morning," Hae gave her a worried smile while pouring [y/n] her morning tea.

"I woke up feeling sick to my stomach, I even vomited...must be something I ate," she sighed, as her hands began to massage her temples.

"And I have this horrific headache," Aiko nearly threw from the smell of the tea.

"Aiko, go to your room and rest dear," Hae gave her daughter-in-law stern look before shooing her off.

"I suppose I will. I'll come down and help you clean when I feel better," Aiko spoke, as her fatigue feeling body hauled its self to her room.

Aiko collapsed onto her bed, tears welling up in her eyes. A sudden flood of saddens taking over her emotions, her mind thinking of how much she was missing her husband, and how it felt like maybe that moment they shared was the last one they'll have. She cried so much she ended up falling asleep, with only Shisui on her mind.


"Aiko, are you feeling any better, dear?" Hae entered Aiko's room slowly.

"Sorta," Aiko slowly began to wake, her body still feeling week.

"I think I know what may be causing you all this trouble," Hae then took a seat at the edge of the bed, a small smile on her lips.

"Really?" Aiko moved to face her mother-in-law; a look of relief began to fill her face.

"Yeah, just answer me these few questions," Aiko nodded eagerly, her green eyes showing how interested she is.

"Have you begun your cycle?" Aiko then frowned as she thought about the last time she had menstruated.

"N-No now that I think about it...I'm pretty late," Hae nodded once more, her smile only growing bigger.

"Now, this one might be a bit embarrassing, so don't feel discouraged to answer! You are an adult, so it's completely fine if you did...but have you and Shisui, you know...made love?" Aiko's eyes widen, and a red hue filled her cheeks.

"Aiko, it's not a bad thing! But your answer will help me tell what's making you feel sick," Hae let out a laugh, as she saw how sheepish Aiko looked.

"...Um...well...uh...we...did before he left," she then hid her face into her hands.

"Aiko," Hae gently removed her hands away, a grin from ear to ear filling Hae's face.

"Yes, Hae," Aiko mumbled nervously.

"I'm very certain that you are pregnant," she spoke gleefully.

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thank  you for reading i hope you enjoyed 💜
sorry for the lack of updates! just been stumped on this story 😩
but i think i found a flow not sure yet tho 😀


stay safe and much love y'all 💜🥺
- marle

(p.s. sorry for any grammatical errors 😞)

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