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{[a/n]: hello a quick announcement! I dropped a new:
Watch - the Sequel to + (Plus) - Kakashi AU
So if you'd like you should check it out and give some feedback that would be amazing!

And I'm thinking on making a One-shot book with Naruto characters and others! Don't know yet but if your down to read one definitely let me know :)

Hope you guys are doing well and are staying safe!

Much love ❤️- marle }

"His name is Shisui Uchiha," her mother was overly excited. This was the first time in years she's seen her mother smile so much.

"Also known as Shisui of the body flicker," Riko grinned and placed more rice in her mouth.

"Can't believe it one of highest rank clans want my little tomato!" her mother was ready to shed a tear as she looked at Aiko. 

"Aiko Kagami will soon be Aiko Uchiha!" the crimson-haired girl just smiled at her mother, she didn't have the chance to really respond to the proposal. Her mother's mind was made up and she wasn't going to disappoint her.

"Why so quiet little tomato!" Riko teased and poured her self more water.

"I'm just surprised," she picked at her food she had lost her appetite.

"But in a good way!" Aiko saw her mom getting sad at her daughter's lack of interest.

"Really?!" her mother perked up again a big smile on her face.

"Of course mom," she smiled back her mother's smile gave her strength to put up her act. As they ate dinner the family began to throw ideas out for the wedding.

"It'll be small and simple, the same your father and I got married! Immediate family, only you'll be married and we will have one big dinner!" Aiko's eyes widen when her mother mentioned her father.

"Your father would be so pleased to hear this news!" Her mother sighed but a smile still present on her face. Aiko now knew there was no possible way out of this marriage.

"When do I get to meet Shisui?" Aiko asked and placed food in her mouth.

"On the wedding day!" Riko clapped her hands together.

"Oh well when's the wedding?" Aiko knew she would have no say what's so ever for the planning.

"Next month! They really want you two together!" her mom pores sake into a small cup and handed it to Aiko.

"In celebration we all take a drink!" she cheered and lifted her cup in the air.

"Cheers!" Riko and her mother shouted.

"Cheers," Aiko faked a smile and the family clinked their sake together.

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