shisui of the body flicker

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Aiko sat in shock her husband was the boy from the tea shop. The ceremony was proceeding as it should be, but when she set eyes on Shisui she couldn't focus. Shisui just smiled sweetly at her, hoping that she felt a bit more comfortable knowing that they've met before.

Only the necessary words were exchanged between the two during the ceremony. Aiko wouldn't lie she felt relieved it was Shisui Uchiha, putting a face to the name reduce her anxiety. After the ceremony Shisui was able to convince his mother that he would be taking her back to their home.

"Aiko," Shisui spoke as the rest of their families left.

"I thought you would have mentioned something about us being married," she laughed lightly, she was able to find the humor in their situation.

"I-I wasn't supposed to see you until today actually, but I couldn't help myself when I saw you, I needed to speak to you," Shisui looked so handsome to her, his wedding attire was neat and well placed. Yet his hair was still restless, the loose curls captivated her.

"So tell me Shisui out of all the girls in Konoha why me?" this question was constantly in her mind and she could never let it go until he answered.

"May I hold your hand?" Shisui asked her while placing his hand out. He wanted to make sure that she was always comfortable around him. Aiko nodded her head yes and placed her hand inside of his.

"The day you and Itachi spoke those many years ago, was the first time I saw you, and will you've never left my mind. But with everything going on inside my home I was just never able to..." he trailed looking for the right words to say.

"Pursue me?" Aiko finished his sentence with a small smile on her face.

"I guess so," he blushed while running his hand through his unruled curls.

"I understand, and I assume our mothers were the mastermind to this whole marriage?" Aiko continued as Shisui stared at her dark red hair which was placed in a low bun. She was such a simple bride and that might have been for the fact that her family also lacked money.

"Mothers know best don't they," Shisui chuckled and gently pulled her towards his chest.

"I suppose so," she smiled bashfully looking away from his midnight colored eyes.

"This might feel a little funny okay?" the hand that held hers had traveled carefully to her lower back.

"Wh-What are you doing?" she blushed harder as her body was pressed up to his.

"Just hold on tight," he smiled down at her and a strange sensation traveled through her body as everything went black and then light again. Where they appeared in front of the Uchiha residency.

"Shisui of the Body Flicker," she whispered into his chest as she realized her grip was tight around him.

"So you know my stupid nickname," he chuckled lightly making Aiko loosen her grip.

"That's the first thing I learned about you," suddenly her hair had fallen from its bun, Aiko tried to put back up but Shisui stopped her.

"I think you look even more beautiful with your hair down," Shisui lightly pulled her hands away allowing the red locks of hair to fall. Aiko stared deep into his eyes and decided from then on, she would never put her hair up again.

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