our story

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"If you'd like we can sleep in separate bedrooms until you are comfortable," Shisui opened their bedroom door while hauling Aiko's luggage. It really wasn't a lot so Shisui insisted to carry it up the stairs.

"No, it's fine you are my husband I should be able to sleep in the same bedroom with you," said Aiko while entering her new bedroom.

"Aiko you're making me blush," Shisui joked and threw himself onto the bed.

"Is there a restroom nearby?" Aiko asked timidly while getting a nightgown from her luggage.

Shisui smiled and jumped up from the bed, he walked towards a door that was further into the room.

"It has a bathtub," he winked which caused Aiko to blush immediately.

"I-I wasn't insinuating w-we should b-bathe together I just w-wanted—" Shisui stumbled through words when he realized what he had said sounded inappropriate.

"This is the bathroom," he gave up on explaining and he just pulled the restroom door open.

Aiko chuckled at his behavior while she entered the restroom. Her cheeks were burning all the way up to her ears, but when she closed the bathroom door a genuine smile crept onto her lips.

"Oh god I sounded like a perv," she heard Shisui exhale while walking away from the door.

Aiko giggled a bit and she removed her wedding kimono.

Maybe this won't be too bad.

After slipping into her night attire she opened the door to reveal Shisui with a huge grin on his face and a small wrapped gift in his hands.

"Now you don't have to feel bad about not getting me anything because this gift benefits us both,"

"I don't understand," Aiko blinked in surprise.

"Just sit down and open it up," Shisui shifted over giving Aiko enough space for her to sit beside him.

Aiko did as instructed and sat beside her husband, she then took the small gift into her hands.

"Go on," Shisui smiled like an eager child. Aiko laughed lightly and began to tear the white wrapping. It then revealed a book that made Aiko's green tea eyes widen in excitement.

"Our story" Aiko read aloud the title, staring at its red and white design.

"I thought this would help us get to know each other a bit since we get to fill it in with information about ourselves,"

"I see," Aiko flipped it open to the first page while Shisui reached to the nightstand to get a pencil.

"You get to fill in the first page," Shisui handed her the pencil, and Aiko shook her head in agreement.

About her:
Name: Aiko Kagami
Age: 18
Hobbies: Reading and occasional writing
Favorite food: anything sweet
Favorite place to be: Senju park
The person she looks up to: My mother
One thing she really wants to do: write a book
Why did she fall in love with him: His smile

"You don't have to answer the last—" Shisui was cut off by Aiko filling it in anyways.

"As of now I love your smile," Aiko handed him the book and pencil, "Your turn."

"O-Okay," Shisui was taken back a bit but he went on to write his answers.

About him:
Name: Shisui Uchiha 
Age: 21
Hobbies: Reading and training
Favorite food: onigiri with seaweed
Favorite place to be: Uchiha training grounds
Person he looks up to: Kagami Uchiha
One thing he really wants to do: Provide peace for all villages
Why did he fall in love with her: her red hair

"You fell in love with my hair?" Aiko looked at him with a suspicious look.

"Y-Yeah, I just love how fierce and beautiful it is," he closed the book and placed it on the nightstand, turning off the lamp in the process. Which causes the newlyweds to be engulfed in darkness.

Aiko sat still for a little longer, she never really got compliments on her hair, well only from the Hokage's family but no one else.

"Every night I'm here we'll fill in one set of pages," Shisui yawned while putting himself inside the blankets.

"So does that mean you won't be home often?" Aiko questioned while following his actions.

"I might be in some long missions, for the next couple of months since I have to provide for our family," Shisui explained while turning to face Aiko.

"And I'll stay here to help your mother right,"

"Yeah," he mumbled while he began to doze off to sleep.

"When's your next mission?" Aiko asked as she left a large space between them.

"Tomorrow, I leave at 7 in the morning," his voice was sleepy and his eyelids were barely able to stay open.

"I see," Aiko responded quietly so Shisui could sleep comfortably. She lied there in the darkens her mind thinking about what her life will be like for now on. When she came to the realization that she and Itachi will never be, but Aiko was fine with it now, she had Shisui.

"Goodnight Aiko," Shisui whispered while being half asleep.

"Sleep well Shisui," Aiko hesitantly caressed his cheek, since she thought that was something wives do for their husbands, but before Aiko could remove her hand Shisui kept in place.

"Thank you for marrying me Aiko,"


{[a/n]: Yo!
I dropped a one shot book so if you'd like check it out ❤️

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed !

Much love and stay safe 🥺❤️
-marle 🦋

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