dinner plans

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"There indeed is another chakra presence alongside yours Aiko," Tsuande grinned happily as her hands skillfully felt the developing life within Aiko.

"S-So I'm pregnant?" Aiko whispered as she looked down to her, still bump less stomach.

"Yes, you are dear," Tsuande removed her glowing green hands away, and Aiko immediately placed hers onto her belly.

"Wow, I-I don't know what to say," a smile began to form as she began to imagine a life with a mini shisui or a mini version of herself.

"The chakra flow is just starting to finally take off, so I'd say your 10 to 12 weeks in," Tsuande grinned; happily while Aiko's tears began to form.

"I hope he comes back before the birth," Aiko wiped her tears, which were filled with all kinds of emotions.

"Knowing Shisui, he should be back any day now,"

"Y-Yeah, he should," she whispered while looking down to her belly once more.

Aiko found herself walking through Konoha, a basket in her hand as she searched for tonight's diner ingredients.

"Aiko dear, is that you?" her mother's voice filled her ears. As much as she cared for her mother, she couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed when they'd meet.

"Mom! Hi!" Aiko smiled as she turned around to face her mother.

"Long time no see, huh?"

"Well, you know, you married me off to another family, so I am quite busy with them," Aiko laughed as she watched her mom walking closer to her.

"Doesn't mean you can't drop by every once in a while," her mom pouted as she brushed her fingers through Aiko's red locks.

"My doors are always open for you as well, mother,"

"Is that so?"

"Yes," she regrettably replied.

"Why don't I come by for dinner then!"

"Today?" Aiko's green eyes widen in shock.

"You said your doors are always open!" her mother winked childishly.

"I did say that...well, let me buy some ingredients, and you can come by at sundown,"

"I'll go home and make dessert! Oh! And I'll bring your sister!" her mother clapped excitedly.

"Sounds terrific!" Aiko cringed at the thought of seeing her sister again.

"Ok, then I'll see you very soon, honey!"

"Bye, mom," she sighed, yes Aiko does love her family, but she is the black sheep in their herd. Aiko isn't as go-getting and happy as them. So when she realized that Shisui's family was just as calm as her she grew quite fond of them, and now that both her worlds were going to collide she wasn't to excited.


hope you enjoyed!
thank you all for your support
it means so much to me!
stay safe and much love 💜
-marle 😀

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