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Aiko ran out of the room and exited her home as a whole. The news that Riko told her truly frightened Aiko. She kept running until she reached her favorite park. The redhead sat down on the concrete bench and started into the ground. Her eyes were fixated on the dirt trying to make sense of what was going on in her mind.

"Aiko," a voice filled her head and it caused her to look up. Her green eyes were met but a pair of onyx ones.

"Itachi?" she questioned it's been years since they have spoken to each there.

"Hello Aiko long time no see," Itachi's voice was still as serious as ever, and his eyes just as cold as the last time she saw them.

"Long time no see," she replied back as he stood before her.

"I heard the news about your marriage proposal," his mind wanted to reject the thought of her getting married to anyone else but him.

"Oh, word travels fast around here," she thought he was the one proposing since he really is the only Uchiha she knows.

"I guess it does, congratulations," there was an awkward pause between their conversation.

"I'm not going to lie, I thought you were the one who was proposing," her face showed no emotion the warmth that she once had was fleeing from her. Itachi blushed at her comment and didn't know what to say.

"But that was bold of me to assume," she chuckled and stood up but Itachi was still taller than her.

"I also thought Riko was the one being asked to marriage, since she's the much pretty one after all," Aiko began to walk away from Itachi.

"That's not true Aiko," Itachi also began to walk the opposite direction. Their backs faced each other as they grew further apart.

"Well at least not to me," Aiko paused wanting to turn back to face him, but she continued to walk. She has accepted her fate and she knew accepting this marriage proposal would make her mother happy.

Making her mother happy was really the only thing she wanted to do, and if it meant marrying a stranger she would do it.

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