what makes a shinobi

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Aiko was walking out of the academy one last time as she decides that being a ninja wasn't her path. She had reached the doors, and as she exited her eyes fell upon the new swing that was hung up. She smiled at it knowing that the swing will watch generations of future ninjas exit and enter those doors that she has.

She continued walking on her own when she saw a black-haired boy sitting on one of the stone benches that were littered across the village. Any other day she have wouldn't really pay attention to him, but he was reading a book that she was very interested in.

As she got closer she felt the need to let him know that she also enjoyed that book. Which caused her to slow down not knowing if she really wanted to say anything to him, but she took in a deep breath and decided to speak.

"That's the book, What Makes a Shinobi, right ?" her voice was quiet but noticeable. It was loud enough for him to raise his eyes from the pages.

"No, but it's the same author," he responded with no emotion.

"Oh I see, I suppose I haven't read that one yet," Aiko then decide just to walk home now and not bother the boy anymore.

"Aiko correct?" he talked again while he fixed his eyes back on the book.

"Y-Yeah, and you're Itachi right?" she remembered hearing rumors about how skilled a ninja he was.

"Mhm," He hummed and flipped through the pages at a faster pace. She stood there awkwardly not knowing if he was going to continue talking to her.

"Oh I-I'll let you read, h-have a good day," she smiled tensely and began to walk.

"Wait for a second," he stopped her and it had seemed that he was reaching the end of the book.

"I d-don't want to bother," Aiko continued to walk but Itachi closed the book quickly and stood up.

"I'm sure if you liked, What Makes a Shinobi, then you most definitely enjoy this one," Itachi then handed the book over to her.

"I-I can't accept th-this," she pushed it back lightly.

"Yes you can, it's hard to find people with good taste in literature, when your done reading it you can return it to me," his tone stayed serious the whole time.

"A-Are you s-sure?"

"An amazing book like this would go along well with a beautiful mind," Itachi didn't realize that those words he spoke had impacted Aiko deeply.

"Thank you Itachi, I'll do my best to return it as soon as possible," Aiko was still stunned by his actions.

"There's no rush, just enjoy the book," and with those words, the boy vanished.

His eyes so cold I'm surprised they didn't freeze me. Aiko stood astonished and she then looked at the book in her hands.

A Shinobi After War

I guess we both lost something in this Shinobi world of ours.

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