crimson hair

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"Little sister, what are you reading?" Riko her eldest sister peered through the top of her book.

"Riko go away," she flicked her forehead protector and continued reading. Riko's blue eyes squinted at her little sister.

"I've come home for a mission and this how you greet me," she crossed her hands but Aiko didn't care. She was fixated on the book and Riko was keeping her from it.

"I'm going for a walk," Aiko's dark green eyes frowned and she slapped her book close. She pushed aside her sister and placed her shoes on. In order to finish the book, Aiko believed she had to be alone.

"Aiko honey where are you going?" her mother poked her head out from the kitchen.

"A walk mother that's all," she smiled and walked towards the door with her book in hand.

"Riko give Aiko the money so she can buy some groceries!" Her mother shouted and returned to the kitchen again. Her eldest sister then zoomed from her room with a small bag in hand.

"Just my luck I don't have to go anymore! Fetch some sugar, bread, and rice!" she smiled teasingly and rubbed Aiko's crimson red hair. Aiko rolled her eyes and swatted her hand away.

"I'll be going then,"


"Thank you again Itachi, this book was just as amazing as the last," Aiko's green eyes showed how happy she was to had gotten the chance to read the book.

"Not a problem Aiko I'm glad you enjoyed as much as I did," Itachi received his book hesitantly.

"I think you should keep it," Itachi gave it back again.

"My father would hate seeing that book in his home he destroy mostly all my books already,"

"I'm so sorry Itachi,"

"Not a big deal, I don't have that much time to read anyways since I train so much," for the first time Itachi showed Aiko his small smile.

"I understand I'll take real good care of this book for you!" Aiko bowed her head in respect to Itachi.

"Thank you Aiko, but I have to go now my friend is waiting for me," he pointed to a tree nearby where a boy with black unkempt hair waved and smiled.

"See you around then," she smiled kindly, her smile so warm that it could thaw Itachi's cold eyes.

"See you around," and vanished the same way he did before.

Aiko sighed, "Now to get the groceries," and off she went not realizing that the boy with the unkempt hair was watching her. He was completely captivated by her hair deep crimson hair.

"Itachi he hair it's nothing I've ever seen before!" Shisui spoke in awe he's eyes practically sparkled at that point.

"It's is a strange color," Itachi replied to his best friend.

"No, it's not, it's beautiful!"

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