before you leave

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Shisui flickered into his home as Aiko cleaned the living room.

"Shisui, dear! What wrong?!" Aiko asked as her green eyes took in the serious look that painted his face.

"I have to leave on an urgent mission," he quickly walked towards his wife.

"Oh! Let me pack you some lunch!" she immediately stopped doing her chores.

"There's no time I have to leave now," he sighed while pulling her into a deep hug.

"I love you, Aiko," he whispered into her crimson hair.

"Shisui sh-should I be worried?" she asked, even though she didn't want to hear the answer to that question. She wouldn't have asked, but the way her husband was holding her made her believe as if he wasn't going to come back.

"I just wanted to say goodbye before leaving, since I'm not sure when I'll be back," he pulled away slightly, so his onyx eyes looking into her emerald ones.

"Shisui, you're scaring me," her soft fair hand found it's onto his cheek.

"Don't be...everything will be fine," a not so convincing smile formed on his lips.

"Hold down the fort while I'm gone, okay?" god was Shisui breaking inside, for the first time, he was actually unsure of he'd make it back home.

"Of course, my love," her thumb gently rubbed the side of his cheek.

"If I'm gone for too long, just patient for me, okay?" he could see the worry in her eyes grow even more.

"Y-Yes I know Shisui," a small laugh left her lips.

"I'm sorry that I have to leave so—" he began to apologize for his sudden need to leave, but Aiko wouldn't allow it. She quickly placed a tender kiss on her lips. Shisui then pulled her in closer, doing whatever he could to get as much as Aiko. Their lips fitting with each other like puzzle pieces. Aiko nearly dissolved into his kiss, her body now aching for his.

"A-Aiko," Shisui panted as his pants began to feel unbearably tight.

"Before you leave...will you make love to me?" Aiko spoke before he could again, her eyes now clouded with unconditional love rather than lust. Shisui then swallowed hard, knowing there was a chance he wasn't going to come back made him nod yes. At the moment, there was no need to rush, the only thing that matter was Aiko, and he was going to make sure she knew that.

"Of course," he smiled, pulling her into another kiss; at the same time, he used his body flicker to transport them into their bedroom. Shisui then gently placed her onto the bed, kissing her where ever her skin was exposed.

"Sh-Shisui~" she panted, her pale face slowly flushing red, never has she experienced such pleasant sensations running through her body.

"Don't worry, Aiko. I'll take good care of you," his hand then began to rub her core slowly. Her toes curling up, and her back arching upward. Aiko's pink bottom lip squished in between her teeth as she took in the image is Shisui in between her thighs.


"Do you feel alright?" Shisui asked as he brushed some of Aiko's deep crimson hair behind her ear. A sleepy smile then pulled onto Aiko's lips.

"Yes, Shisui, that...that was wonderful," she snuggled into the blankets.

"I told you so," he grinned while placing one last love full kiss onto her lips.

"Get some rest, I have to go now," he quickly got out of bed and pulled a fresh uniform on.

"Goodbye, Shisui, I love you," Aiko yawned, her eyelids growing heavy as she watched her husband get ready.

"I love you, even more, Aiko," he whispered, once he saw her eyes shut. Taking one last look of his beautiful wife, until he finally flickered his way to his treacherous mission.


i said light smut!
so don't come at me okay 😩

i have two thoughts for how i want to end this book and i'm not sure which one to go with yet!
but for now enjoy this little chapter because i had a lot of fun writing it 🥰

much love and stay safe y'all

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