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"Akio? You did all of this?" Hae walked in, stunned to see the home so squeaky clean.

"Yes, I thought I'd do it early this morning, since I was planning to visit my mother," Aiko wiped her wet hands on her apron.

"Thank you so much Aiko, I mean this just amazing," Hae suddenly embraced her daughter in law.

"Ms. Uchiha, I only cleaned the home, no reason to give some much gratitude," Aiko wrapped her arms around Hae.

"You don't understand, now I can properly take care of my husband, and I no longer need to worry about cleaning! These little things go a long way for me, Aiko," Hae held her by the shoulders, smiling ear to ear.

"I see," Aiko's cheeks lit up red, turning bashful by the praise.  Shisui's family was so kind and loving towards her, and it was hard for her to accept it.

"Now, visit your mother! Send her our regards," Hae smiled sweetly.

"Will do," Aiko bowed as Hae made her way to her ill husband.

Aiko finally removes her apron and quickly puts it away. She made her way back to the home's entrance slipping her sandals on and exiting. She was embraced by the morning air, taking in a deep breath as she walked herself to the main road.

It has been a few days since Shisui has left, and she couldn't keep him off her mind. She thought of all of his cuteness, the many beautiful smiles he makes, his nervous laughs, his gleeful laughs, the little snorts he makes while laughing, his giddy face, the light blush he would get when he says something embarrassing, and he's unkempt hair. Oh, how she loved those black, unruled curls.

She understands how lucky she is to be married to him. Many women are married to men who don't  care for them, but not Aiko, she knew that Shisui has love for her, and as the days went on, Aiko was growing to love him too.

Today was the first time she'd be visiting her family, since her marriage. Her mother promised to reveal her wedding gift. Aiko didn't understand why she would have to wait for it, but nonetheless, she was excited.

"Look, mama, it's Aiko! The pretty girl with the pretty hair!" a small laugh left Aiko's lips as she turned around to greet little Naruto.

"Why isn't Naruto, the cute little boy with the brightest hair," Aiko gave him a big grin.

"Aiko, is it true? Are you married now?" Kushina lit up with excitement as she and her son began to walk towards her.

"Oh, y-yes, I am actually," Aiko smiled nervously as she crouched down, embracing Naruto.

"Who? When? Where? Wait! Was it an arranged marriage? Blink twice if you need help!" Kushina jumped from question to question. Leaving Aiko to stare at her blankly, trying to accumulate the correct answers.

"I married Shisui Uchiha a few days ago, it was a small ceremony at my home, Yes, it was an arranged marriage, but now I don't need help," Aiko answers each question in one breath, laughing a bit as both Naruto and Kushina looked at her with a surprised expression.

"Wow! Shisui Uchiha! Minato absolutely adores him," Kushina laughs in delight.

"I didn't see him as a type to part take in an arranged marriage, though...Well as long as you both are happy, that's what truly matters,"

"Yeah, I was afraid at first, but everything is going very well," Aiko smiled sweetly while ruffling Naruto's hair.

"Minato does make him do a lot of work, I hope that doesn't bother you," Naruto let's go if Aiko and walks back to his mother.

"Oh, no! Not at all from what I see Shisui loves what he does,"

"He is an amazing man Aiko, and I hope both of you live happily!" Kushina embraces Aiko into a tight hug.

"And if you need anything let me know, I am here for you,"

"Thank you Kushina,"

The three of them said their farewells, and Aiko returned to her task. It took a while before reaching her old home, which was practically at the other end of the village. Finally, she made her way inside, looking around for her mother and sister.

"I'm here, mom," Aiko announces while walking through her old living room.

"We're in the kitchen!" her mother shouts, making Aiko walk a bit faster. Once she reached the kitchen, she took a seat; a confused look painted her face.

"Hello, Mrs. Uchiha!" Aiko's mother giggled happily.

"Good morning, Mom, Good morning Riko!" Aiko smiled blissfully.

"So the gift we have for you today isn't from your sister or me...but from your father," her mother pulled out a small jewelry box. It was a dark red color decorated with one large Uzumaki symbol and a small envelope alongside with it.

"What's this?" Aiko rose her eyebrow in suspicion.

"The truth," Riko placed the key to the jewelry box on top of it.




much love and stay safe!

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