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The next morning Aiko woke up before the sun. She had gotten dressed while Shisui was sound asleep. Using the time to prepare him lunch for his mission and breakfast for his family, as she crept downstairs, making sure not to wake anyone she had realized the kitchen light was already turned on. Aiko still made her towards the kitchen knowing full well it was her mother-in-law.

"G-Good morning ma'am," Aiko entered while bowing her head in respect.

"Aiko, your up early," she smiled tiredly while preparing some rice to cook.

"I just thought I'd make Shisui some lunch for his mission today," Aiko continued to walk deeper into the kitchen.

"Really? That would be a great help. I was going to do that right now, but if you do it, it'll give me time to get some groceries for breakfast," she said in relief.

"Yes, of course, I'll make it," Aiko smiled kindly while Hae washed her hands.

"It's a true blessing that you came into our family," Hae placed a hand on Aiko's shoulder before exiting the kitchen. As the rice cooked, Aiko began to prep other ingredients and side dishes for Shisui. All the years she spent making lunches for Riko was indeed paying off. She prepared the lunch carefully so Shisui would enjoy it.

It didn't take to long to prepare the side dish to go along with his favorite onigiri. Once Akio finished, she warped in in a cloth that Hae had left out, the redhead stared happily at the lunch she made, her hands on her hips and a proud smile on her face.

"Hae... Hae?" a voice that was hardly audible, but still Aiko was able to hear it.

"Hae, where are you?" it was Shisui's father; Aiko hadn't met him yet besides when he came during the wedding dinner. Which made her contemplate if she should see if he needed help, she hesitated for a second, but she followed his voice. Once she reached the door, she knocked lightly.

"Hae, is that you, dear?"

"It's uh, Aiko, d-do you need anything?"

Shisui father sat quietly as he tried to remember the name Aiko, but he couldn't.


"I-I'm Shisui's w-wife," Aiko spoke nervously.

"I see...Aiko, could you please bring me a glass of water," he asked politely.

"Y-Yes sir," Aiko scurried to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water and carefully brought to his room. She opened the door slowly and peeked her head through. The sunlight was finally starting to shine its way through, and it illuminated Aiko. Shisui's father's eyes widened when he realized that Aiko had dark red hair and green tea-colored eyes.

"So, my son married out of the clan?" Aiko walked silently, not knowing what to say.

"That's good. I'm glad he's choosing his own path,"  he retrieved the glass from Aiko's hands.

"May I ask your surname?"

"Kagami Aiko,"

"Kagami? Interesting, I once knew a man named Akane Kagami," though his memories were fading the time he spent in the war, was burnt into his mind.

"Striking red hair just like yours,"

"T-That's my father," it had been years since she heard her father's name, and it nearly brought tears to her eyes.

"Really? He was one hell of a shinobi, and I became friends with him since my first name was his last name, " Shisui's father paused as he thought of his darkest times.

"Akane fought like hell up to his last breath,"

"Your name is Kagami?" She now realized that this was the man her husband looked up to.

"Kagami Uchiha," he nodded with pride.

"Mr. Uchiha, do you think you can tell me more about my father?" Aiko asked quietly.

"My mother doesn't like talking about him, and I just really want to know what he was like,"

"I see, well, then Aiko take a seat I have many stories about your father," Kagami smiled while pointing to the edge of the bed. Aiko indeed reminded him of his former friend and thought that this was the least he could do for the man that saved his life.


{[a/n]: YO!

Hope you enjoyed!

I dropped a one shot book so you should definitely check it out!

Hope you are doing well! And if you need anyone to talk to I'm always here, I know this whole COVID stuff is kinda overwhelming so feel free to reach out! I'm here for all of you guys!

Much love and stay safe ❤️

-marle 🦋

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