sisterly fights

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Hae was ecstatic about her first grandchild, so much so she wouldn't allow Aiko to do anything. As soon as her daughter in law came back from grocery shopping, she immediately led her to the couch.

"Rest for now, dear! I'll take care of dinner tonight," Hae practically demanded, which made Aiko shake her head in disagreement.

"I should still be doing things around the house, Hae, since I won't be able to in a couple of months," Aiko was not one to sit and do nothing when she knew there was chores to be done.

"I know, but I bit your exhausted with all the morning sickness you've been having," Hae gave her a worried look.

"I'm just fine, I'll clean, and when I'm done, I'll sit right back down! And besides, my mom is coming to dinner tonight, so I don't want her to suspect anything," Aiko spoke, as she began to dust off the couch she was told to relax on.

"You're mother is coming?"

"Yes, she is, but I'm not ready to tell the news to her yet," she gave her a nervous chuckle.

"I understand. I'll get started on dinner then!" Aiko only grinned before she went on to do her daily chores.


Aiko finished setting up the dinner table before two lights knock were placed on the front door. A nervous feeling filled the Aiko since it's been quite some time since she's seen Riko, but she had no other choice but to go and greet them in.

"Hello!" Aiko pulled the door open, a tender smile filling her face.

"Aiko, long time no see!" Riko ruffled Aiko's red hair.

"Not long enough," she grumbled while greeting her mother with a hug.

"I made dango," her mother grinned excitedly.

"Thank you, mother," Aiko then led them to her kitchen.

Everyone said their greetings before taking a seat. An awkward tension filled the room as they tried to start a new conversation.

"Where's Shisui ?" Riko raised an eyebrow in a suspicious way.

"He's on a mission," Aiko replied as Hae still cooked dinner.

"Really? I bet he goes on crazy missions since he's practically Anbu level," Riko spoke excitedly.

"A, B, and especially S rank missions aren't a walk in a park! I mean those are deadly," Riko's words began to bring anxiety to the Aiko.

"I heard that there's an important one going on right now! There's been tension between the Mist and the Leaf! They sent out our best ninjas, each of them wielding a dojustsu! It all happened so fast too. I mean there's word of war—"

"Ok, I get Riko," the red-head sister snapped; her hands began to shake once she realized that her Shisui was set out on that mission.

"It's serious, Aiko, you should know these things," her eldest sister pressed on.

"You might have to train to be a medical ninja at least,"

"If my husband is on that dangerous mission, he'll get it done without having a war as an outcome," Aiko spoke harshly, as she threw a glare at Riko.

"I'm not saying he won't, Aiko," Riko was now starting to talk with more attitude.

"You're making it sound like he's going to die!"

"Am not,"

"Stop being so childish, ladies," Aiko's mother intervened.

"I don't appreciate you trying to put those obnoxious thoughts of my husband dying into my head! He's in my mind 24/7, and the thought of not seeing him anymore is terrifying!" Aiko had tears welling up in her eyes, being more emotional due to the child inside of her.

"Aiko, it's the reality! Shisui can die during these missions, and you should prepare for that possibility," Riko continued to argue.

"He won't die,"

"Aiko but you never know,"

"I know he won't die,"

"You're such a baby," Riko rolled her eyes.

"Ninja die on the job at times. Aiko, stop being so naive about it!"

"He won't die because he is going to help me raise our child! Shisui Uchiha isn't allowed to die," Aiko let her anger get the best of her, and it made Aiko let out the secret she was trying to keep.

"Child?" her mother gasped.

"Y-Yes, our child," she sniffled as she craved for Shisui's arms to be wrapped around her.

"You're pregnant?" Riko questioned, a shook look on her face. Aiko only shook her head. Yes, as she bit back her tears. Aiko's mother quickly found herself wrapping her arms around her youngest daughter.

"I-I miss him, mom,"

"He n-needs t-to b-be with me,"

"I w-want him here...s-safe and sound," Aiko gripped onto her mom, her face then nuzzled into her mother's shoulder with tears pouring from her eyes.

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