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Years went on after Itachi and Aiko last spoke. They lived on their own paths but never forgotten one another. Itachi being the skilled ninja he was on his way to becoming an Anbu. While Aiko who resented the shinobi world had been studying to be part of the Konoha Cryptology Team, and Shisui Uchiha never ceased to think about Aiko's crimson red hair.


"Shisui dear help you father out of bed please,"

"Yes mom," Shisui smiled then scurried to his father's room.

"Time for breakfast father," he spoke softly while knocking on the door frame.

"Who are you young man?" his father questioned as he lifted himself up in his bed.

"It's me Shisui your son, it's time for you to eat," Shisui grinned lightly at his ill father.

"Oh Shisui, well then help me to my wheelchair," his father's voice croaked.

"Yes of course father," Shisui entered the room and he helped his father to his chair.

"Mother made some excellent breakfast this morning," Shisui was the warmth of such a cold home. As gloomy as everything was Shisui still shined in the family.

The Uchiha family had breakfast together when Shisui was back from missions. He helps care for his father and helps his mother keep the home in order. After their peaceful dinner, Shisui took his father out to the backyard for some fresh air.

"I brought you the newsletter so you can read it out here,"

"Thank you boy,"

"Yes your welcome father," Shisui also left glass water on the porch railing.

"In case you get thirsty," he smiled once more and returned to his mother's aid.

"Shisui, I'm so glad you're here you make things so much easier for me," his mother sighed and rested her head in his shoulder.

"Of course mother," he embraced tenderly a bittersweet smile on his face.


"Aiko are you studying again?" Riko laughed entering their shared room.

"Shut up Riko leave me alone," Aiko shot up and slammed her journal.

"Aiko why are you always so mad at me?" Riko threw herself on her bed.

"My red-haired little sister takes after Kushina Uzumaki herself, sometimes I think she's your mother! But I'm not here to bug you but to talk to you, " Riko laughed and removed her forehead protector.

"Wouldn't that be a plot twist," Aiko rolled her eyes.

"What do you need to talk about?" she questioned while making her way to the doorway.

"Uhhh I actually forgot!" she laughed which made Aiko huff and exit the room.

"There you go running off again," Riko shouted while Aiko slammed the door. Aiko just shook her head and began to walk to the kitchen.

"She doesn't have to accept of course, but he asks for her hand in marriage," a voice came from the kitchen but she's never heard this particular voice before.

"It would mean a great deal to all of us, the Uchiha family as a whole,"

"I see...I'll talk to her tonight it's an absolute honor for you to consider my daughter as a candidate for your son," Aiko's heart dropped she quietly ran to her room.

"Back so soon?" Riko smirked while sitting back up on her bed.

"You're getting asked for marriage," Aiko blurted out, though their relationship wasn't strong, that didn't mean she wanted Riko to be married off.

Riko's eyes widen and she began to laugh hysterically.

"What's so funny?!" Aiko shouted as her red hair that was in a loose bun had fallen out, and flowed to the ends of her elbows.

"That's what it was that forgot to tell you!" Riko's laughs grew quite.

"You're the one that is getting asked for marriage!"

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