coffee talk

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Aiko sat in her bath as she washed her body carefully, her mind not sure what to think about. Was she upset because she had no idea Shisui had a previous relationship? Or was she upset because he didn't tell her about them?

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by two soft knocks on the bathroom door.

"I'm bathing," she answered gently, her voice sent butterflies into Shisui stomach.

"I-I know, but I just wanted to talk about what happened earlier," Shisui responded as he pressed himself onto the door. Aiko stayed quiet as she began to think about what to say next.

"Rena was out of line, she shouldn't have spoken to you like that," he took her silence as a sign for him to continue.

Still, no answer came from Aiko.

"And I'm sorry for not telling you about her, to be quite frank, she didn't mean anything to me, I had forgotten all about her existence since you came into my life," he then slid down the door, his back and head resting on it as he waited for Aiko's response.

"Did you have more...relationships that I don't know about?" she finally spoke. Shisui twisted his body, so his lips faced the crack of the door.

"No! She was the only one! Even if I don't like counting her as a relationship," he laughed nervously.

"I-I don't think it was fair of you to let me go to that gathering without telling me anything about her, and you also knew she was going to be there," Aiko continued as she went deeper into the water.

"I-I honestly didn't know she was going be there," his voice grew more panicked since he's never heard Aiko so serious before.

"Oh," Aiko just began to play with the water.

"Are you upset with me, Aiko?" Shisui sighed as he reclined on the door once more.

"No, you did marry me after all," she smiled lightly as she realized that he chose her and no one else.

"I did indeed marry you, Aiko, and not once have I ever regretted it," he to smiled while running his hand through his unkempt hair.

"You mean it?" she spoke softly, Shisui grinned at how cute she sounded.

"Of course, I mean it!"

Silence took over again as they both thought about what to say next.

"Was that our first fight?" Shisui chuckled.

"I-I don't think so. It was just a little discussion," she giggled, as she began to drain the water.

"How about I make us tea? Wait, no, you prefer coffee!" Shisui quickly stood up.

"Sounds good to me, Shisui," Aiko began to strain the water from her hair.

"I'll go make it right now, dear," her husband excitedly began to walk to the kitchen.

"I'll be right out," Aiko called back, while she began to proceed with her night routine.


"All she did was complain and boss me around, so eventually I ended cutting ties," Shisui explained as his hands moved around with each word he said.

"What kept you with her for so long," Aiko asked out of pure curiosity, which made Shisui choke on his tea since the answer wasn't so pleasant.

"Well you know, we both had our needs...and we both were able to...accommodate for each other," Shisui's cheeks began to burn in embarrassment.

"Ohh, it was that kind of a relationship," Aiko laughed. Though she had little knowledge in that department, she still felt proud that Shisui still managed to pick her instead of Rena.

"So, I won't be you first?" Aiko continued while taking a sip of her coffee, her matcha eyes gazing into Shisui's charcoal ones.

"Well...Um no...But you'll be my last! Th-That's for certain!" Shisui placed his hand on hers.

"Well then when the time comes around, I better not be left disappointed, Shisui Uchiha," she gave him a stern look, yet one could tell she was acting playful.

"A-Absolutely not Aiko! I-I'll do my best work!" He winked, now showing off his flirtatious side.


a/n: god they are so cute! i'm  making Aiko to be unproblematic like i don't want her to be toxic or anything of the sort.

i want Shisui to bring her out if her shell and show her the good in life.

but yeah i hope you've enjoyed!

THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THR VOTES AND VIEWS! it means the world to me🥺💜

ill continue to write dont worry! but i did get a new job so the updates are going to continue to be at random but i'll try to put out a few every month!

again than you so much !

much love and stay safe 💜

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