morning walks

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Time went on, and  Aiko finally had a visible pregnancy belly. She was out on one of her morning walks with Itachi, who had taken it upon himself to watch over [y/n] while Shisui was gone.

"You know you don't have to do this," Aiko chuckled while she struggled to put her shoes on.

"Shisui is like my brother. I know he wouldn't want you doing this on your own," Itachi responded as he pulled her front door open.

"I appreciate it, Itachi. You are truly a kind person," a gentle smile filled her face as the two finally exited the home.

"How have you been feeling?" he asked while peaking at her baby bump.

"Good, the baby has been quite calm. They haven't given me too much trouble," Aiko spoke as her hands rubbed her stomach.

"Sorry, I can't always be here to help you," he apologized as the both of them took in the crisp morning air.

"Please don't apologize! You've been helping more than you should! I'm so very grateful for having you in my life!" Aiko quickly denied his unnecessary apology, and in response, Itachi gave her a closed eyed smile.

"Likewise Aiko," and then they continued; there was a comfortable silence between the two. The pair just enjoying the peaceful atmosphere until Aiko decided to ask a question that's been haunting her mind.

"Do you think he's coming back?"

"Aiko," Itachi didn't want to answer. He didn't want to worry or cause any fear to surge through his friend.

"Please just be honest with me," their pace didn't change as they walked through Konoha.

"Aiko...I 100 percent believe that you're husband is going to come back. There is no doubt in my mind, Shisui loves you more than life it's self so please don't feel discouraged because your husband will be back." he placed his hand tenderly onto her shoulder. A sweet grin filled her face after hearing such comforting words.

"He's Shisui Uchiha. Of course, he's coming back,"Aiko reassured herself.

"Ok, now let's go pick out some flowers for Izumi! Because you're asking her out to dinner," she began to walk again.

"Ah yes, I will need your assistance with that," Itachi blushed at the thought of seeing Izumi.

itachi and aiko are bffs like their introverts who love extroverts i just see them being very helpful to one another.
hope you enjoyed the update!
much love and stay safe cuties 💜

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