and the last

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"Try this; you're going to love it!" Shisui sticks out some Dango to his wife.

"What makes you so sure I'll enjoy it?" Aiko giggled, taking a small sniff of sweet treat before her.

"I don't know it's just a hunch," he shrugged, moving the Dango closer to her lips. She smiled and took a small bite, Aiko made a pleasing look as the sweet taste melted into her mouth.

"Mmm," she hummed, her eyes then shut for a few seconds, enjoying the delightful flavor.

"I told you!" Shisui handed her the rest of the Dango, with a cute grin on his face.

"What about you, Shisui?" Aiko took the sweet hesitantly.

"I'll be right back," he winked and flickered away, leaving Aiko to munch on the sweet alone. She stood in front of a few festival games, patiently waiting for him, taking in the orange and blue hues that painted the sky. The ambiance was cheerful. Families huddled together as they passed by the many festival huts.

When suddenly, a small bump was felt on Aiko's shin, causing her to look down at the now child crying child.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" she knelt quickly, carefully pulling the boy back to his feet.

"I l-lost m-my b-big brother," he sniffled, while he tried to rub his tears away.

"I see what about we go look for him?" Aiko smiled sweetly, allowing the little boy to feel less frightened.

"What's your name, little one?"

"Sasuke," he responded, intertwining his small hand into hers.

"Nice to meet you, Sasuke! My name is Aiko," her red hair stunned Sasuke, such an extreme color for such a calm person.

"Now let's wait for my husband, he'll find your big brother in a flash," seconds after Shisui flickered next to Aiko.

"Shisui!!!" Sasuke immediately removed his grip from Aiko and latched himself onto her husband.

"I c-can't f-find Itachi!!" he sobbed again, Shisui let out a chuckle as he handed the fresh Dango to Aiko.

"Now, now, Sasuke, there's no reason to cry!" Shisui pulled the little Sasuke up into his arms.

"Strong ninjas don't cry!" he continued as he rubbed Sasuke's dark locks.

"That's not true," Aiko whispered playfully to Sasuke, who was now sniffling, trying to contain his tears.

"Where did you see Itachi last?" Shisui questioned as he began to examine the surrounding area.

"He went to get sparklers, and then I just got lost in the crowd," Sasuke explained.



"Sounds like Itachi is around here," Shisui smiled, which made the little boy whip his head around in search of his brother's voice.

Shisui spotted the elder brother; first, he gently grabbed Aiko's wrist, and the flickering sensation filled the trio.

"Itachi!" Shisui shouted as he reappeared behind the serious Uchiha.

"Ahh, Shisui!" Itachi flinched from the sudden appearance of his best friend.

"Big brother!" Sasuke rejoiced, quickly removing himself from Shisui.

"Where did you run off to Sasuke!" Itachi picked him up.

"I-I got lost in the crowd," the youngest brother mumbled into his shoulder.

"Thank you for taking care of him, you two," Itachi smiled lightly.

"I'm glad it was us who found him! And it was a pleasure meeting you, little Sasuke!" Aiko returned the smile.

"I would love to spend some more time with you guys, but I got a special surprise for Aiko!" Shisui spoke as he gave the brothers an apologetic smile.

"Oh no, don't worry about us. You guys should have your fun," Itachi responded.

"Surprise?" Aiko questioned.

"Yes, and we are running out of time, so let's get going!" Shisui wrapped his arm around her waist, and delicately pulled her into his chest.

"B-Bye, have a g-good night!" Aiko choked out, and with that, they flickered away once more.

"Here, we are!" Shisui spoke excitedly as they found themselves at a beautiful viewpoint of Konoha. Aiko's eyes widened in astonishment, and her mouth nearly dropped open. Shisui had prepared a small picnic, which was placed on the mountain that held the Hokage's heads.

"Shisui, is this where I think it is?" Aiko whispered as she slowly removed herself from his grip.

"Yup! We are at Hokage Mountain!" Shisui grabbed her hand and guided her to his set up.

"Aren't we going to get in trouble?" Aiko asked as he looked around in fear.

"My sweet little Aiko, you are with Shisui of the Body Flicker! I'm the Hokage's favorite, and besides, if anyone catches us, I'll just flicker us away!" he winked playfully. Aiko laughed at his remark and continued to take in the view.

"It's beautiful, Shisui," Aiko's eyes took in the gorgeous lights of Konoha.

"I knew you would like it! Now sit down the fireworks about to start!" Shisui patted the spot beside him. Aiko did as told, but instead of keeping the common space between them, she snuggled up into him, placing the box with Dango on his lap.

Shisui's heart nearly irrupted, he's always respected the space she would put in between them. But now there was hardly a gap separating them, which truly excited him. Aiko then grabbed a Dango stick and held towards Shisui's lips.

"Would you like some?" she asked bashfully, as the moonlight illuminated her now pink tinted cheeks.

"U-Uh s-sure!" Shisui stutters, as he's eyes practically glowed in awe, he could barely handle how cute she looked. He then slowly bit of the first sweet dumpling, causing Aiko to smile in satisfaction and return her eyes to the village below them. She then ate her share of the treat.

"Thank you, Shisui, no one has ever done something like this for me before," Aiko nearly teared up from just imagining Shisui preparing all of this.

"I'm glad that I'm the first," Shisui blushed as he took his Dango from the tray.

"And the last," Aiko confirmed, and right after that, the first bunch of fireworks began to shoot up.

Aiko's eyes were glued onto the show, to the point where she didn't even notice Shisui was only paying attention to her. He couldn't help himself. He adored how she took small bites from the Dango, and how her eyes widen every time she saw a firework she thought was beautiful. The real show for him was Aiko, and he could watch her for hours and never grow tired.

"Look, Shisui! It's the Uchiha crest!" Aiko perked up in excitement.

"How cool," his voice matched the same level of excitement that she had, but his enthusiasm came from seeing Aiko becoming more comfortable around him.

"This is awesome," she whispered as she subconsciously placed her head on her husband's shoulder.

"Mhmm," Shisui hummed contently, leaning his head on hers.

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