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"Good morning, Hae is Shisui home?" Itachi asked he came to his best friend's home after his extended mission.

"No sweetie he left on a mission a week ago, but I'm sure he'll be back soon, would you like me to take a message?" she smiled kindly.

"Oh, I just brought him and Aiko a wedding gift, but I'll see if I can by when he does arrive," he bowed as he began to leave.

"Aiko is here if you want to give it to her instead!" Hae offered.

"I suppose that'll do," he began to walk towards the door again.

"Come in, come in, she's in the kitchen," Hae stepped aside, allowing the younger Uchiha to walk in.

"Hae, dear!" Kagami yelled out.

"My husband calls, you know you're way around," Hae grinned before walking off.

Itachi had the skill to walk silently; no one could hear his footsteps. So when he made his way to the kitchen, Aiko couldn't hear him at all.

"Hello, Aiko," Itachi spoke, causing the redhead to jump in his sudden presence.

"I-Itachi! H-Hi!" Aiko grabbed her chest as she tried to compose her self again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Itachi gave her an apologetic smile.

"No, it's okay, uh Shisui isn't here if you are looking for him," the tension between them was strange.

"I brought you guys a wedding gift, I felt bad for not being able to be there," he walked towards the table, placing a small box on top of it.

"Itachi, you didn't have to do that!" Aiko shook her head.

"It's nothing really," Itachi smiled lightly.

"Well, I'm making coffee, but if you'd like some tea I can prepare you some, we can sit and chat it's been a while since we last spoke," Itachi did long to see her and having coffee didn't sound bad either.

"I'll take a coffee,"

"Wonderful, take a seat," she grinned while moving towards the cupboards filled with mugs.

"So, how was your mission?" Aiko questioned while pouring hot water into both mugs.

I killed many shinobi who tried to kidnap Uchihas, in order to steal their eyes. Is what he wanted to say but he couldn't say those words to her.

"It was successful, thank you for asking," he responded instead, watching Aiko place his mug before him.

"That's great! I'm glad to see that you aren't harmed," she the placed milk and sugar as well.

"I'm sorry again that I wasn't here for Shisui," Itachi drank his coffee black, the lack of rest he gets throughout his day makes him need the pure taste of coffee.

"He was a bit sad, but he knows the responsibilities of being a shinobi and how crazy your work schedules are," Aiko respond as she mixed a bit of sugar into her coffee.

"Anyways, how have you been?" Itachi asked timidly.

"I'm doing fine, Hae and Kagami are the absolute sweetest! It's weird not having Shisui here all the time, but when he is here, things are just better," Itachi gave a sorry smile.

"Just know that Shisui would much rather be with you than be on missions," Itachi replied, trying to comfort Aiko.

"I know, but dut—"

"I'm home," a tried Shisui comes into the kitchen.

"Itachi! You're here!" Shisui perked up, and both Aiko and Itachi give him a confused look.

"You're more excited to see me than your wife," Itachi shook his head, standing up to hug him.

"Of course, I'm excited to see my wife," he winks at Aiko, who only blushed and smiled nervously.

"But it's good to see my best pal!" he embraced the younger Uchiha into a bear hug.

"What brings you by dear friend of mine," Shisui let's go of Itachi and began to make his way towards Aiko.

"I brought your wedding gift," Itachi responded, pointing at the small box on the table.

"Ohhhh, so I came right in time!" Shisui then placed his hand on Aiko's head.

"How are you love?" he asked her, his voice was now gentle. Aiko looked up at his midnight eyes, her stomach filling with butterflies, and her body began to tingle.

"I-I'm good, w-would you like me to make you some food! I bet you're hungry!" Shisui's hand travels to the side of her face, slowly brushing somen loose hair behind her ear.

"I'm fine, why don't we open the gift Itachi got us?" he smiled while taking a seat beside her. Aiko sat stunned and a little dazed, Shisui made her feel different so different she couldn't even focus on the conversation the three were having.

"I hope you guys like it," Itachi said, a nervous smile on his face as Shisui began to unwrap the small box.

"Knowing you, it must be a super thoughtful gift," Shisui remarked, handing the now unwrapped box over to Aiko for her to make the final opening.

"You want me to open it?" Aiko asked timidly.

"Of course!" Shisui grinned excitedly, and with that, [y/n] pulled the back led open. Revealing two silver necklaces with an Uchiha pendant.

"They are beautiful," Aiko spoke in awe, showing the necklaces to her husband.

"Itachi, this totally makes up for you not being at our wedding!" Shisui joked a warm smile on his face.

"Focus some chakra into it," Itachi instructed, and Shisui did as told, making the red part of the crest glow brightly.

"It's like a little hello when you two are not together," Itachi saw the look in their eyes, and he knew he had done well.

"Wow! Just wow!" Shisui was at a loss of words.

"Itachi, these are just incredible," Aiko gave such a bright smile.

They really do look good together. And weirdly Itachi finally lets go of his feelings for Aiko. He enjoyed the sight of such a delightful couple, and seeing them so happy made him realize that one day he'll be the same way.

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