best of friends

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"You're my best friend and I see no other person but you to be there for me," Shisui patted Itachi on the back.

"So I guess this would be a bad time to tell you," Itachi sighed as the two Uchiha sat at their favorite training grounds.

"Tell me what?" Shisui took a sip of water from his water canteen.

"Lord Fourth has assigned me to a mission I leave tomorrow and return indefinitely," Itachi then faced Shisui who looked disappointed.

"I see, well it can't be helped," Shisui chuckled and lumped himself onto the green grass below them.

"I'm sorry Shisui," the younger Uchiha was relieved that he wouldn't have to watch Aiko be married off to his best friend.

"Don't worry about it Itachi! It's not going to be a big one anyway," Shisui confessed rubbing his face in embarrassment.

"Why Aiko?" Itachi began to pick at the grass.

"When I first saw her I basically fell right in love with her, especially her crimson hair, if I wasn't always so busy with missions, and my dad I would have pursued her on my own," Shisui smiled while thinking about Aiko.

"I know she probably feels overwhelmed and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. So my mother and her mother are planning to have a small ceremony next week, and once she's comfortable in my home and you know fall in love with me!" he winked at Itachi.

"That's when I plan to throw a big wedding in her honor!" Shisui had everything all mapped out for Aiko.

"And if she doesn't fall in love with you?" Itachi questioned.

"That's a fair point, but come on what isn't there to fall in love with?!" Shisui joked while posing for Itachi.

"Are you only doing this so your mother has another set of hands to help around the house now that your father is ill," Itachi had a habit to question Shisui's motives, he knew that Shisui could have any women he wanted, and he thought that his whole situation was strange even for him.

"There's no hiding anything from you," Shisui exhaled and threw a pinch of grass at his best friend's face.

"My mom is a sneaky lady and had planned this all on her own, I don't blame her though my dad is getting harder to handle and in order to keep the family afloat I gotta keep going on missions," he paused and took a deep breath.

"She also found out about my little crush on Aiko and took advantage of it. She was married the same way so I guess this isn't abnormal for her, but it feels strange not getting to know Aiko before I make her my wife." Shisui had finally confessed the true reasoning behind this arranged marriage.

"But don't get it twisted! I truly care for Aiko and I want nothing but the best for her! So if one day she chooses to leave, well then I won't hold her back." Shisui finished his explanation and sat back up next to Itachi.

"I understand," Itachi threw some grass at Shisui as well.

"A man of many words!" Shisui playfully punched Itachi.

"You'll be great husband Shisui," Itachi ruffled his already unkempt hair.

"You think so?" Shisui grinned from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I really do,"

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