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Weeks later

"He's passed now,"

"Thank you for all your help, Mai," Shisui's voice was gentle and sincere as his mother's light sobs filled the room. Aiko stood outs de her in-law's room, tears now welling her eyes. The closest thing she had to a father was now gone.

"We'll have the medical-nins from the hospital come right now," Mai bowed, and she left the room quickly.

"I'm sorry for your lost," Mai bowed once more before she finally exited the Uchiha home.

Aiko could only nod her head as she still tried to comprehend everything that is going on now.


"Shisui," Aiko asked as they lied in bed together.

"Yes, dear?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am," he gently stroked a piece of her hair behind her Aiko.

"I just...It's just...Th-That you h-haven't r-really—"Aiko began to stumble through her words as she tried to speak her mind.

"I haven't cried?" his thumb began to crease her cheek gently.

"Well yeah," Aiko responded as she took his hands into hers.

"I did my mourning a long time ago," he saw the sadden expression in her eyes, making him pull Aiko into his arms.

"But that doesn't mean you can't mourn," he spoke softly as he stroked her crimson strands.

"Within the small amount of knowing each other, you still managed to build a bond with my dad. I don't blame you if you shed a tear or two," Shisui placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"I-I sh-should be comforting you," she mumbled into his chest. Her fingers began to trace circles on his chest.

"You being in my arms is enough comfort for me," his eyes began to grow heavy, and slumber began to take over his body.

"I'm taking a break from missions for the rest of the month, I'll be here for you and my mom," he yawned, as he pulled her deeper into his chest.

"Okay," she snuggled into him, a smile began to tug onto Shisui's lips.

"Goodnight," she placed a small kiss on his cheek before she went back to cuddle into his arms.

"Goodnight, dear," he mumbled as his eyes finally shut peacefully.


{a/n}: kind of a shitty chapter :/

But i need a "filler" before moving onto to the next chapters i have in mind.

thank you for reading !

if you'd like check out my hawks or amajiki book! or both it's up to you 💞

much love y'all and stay safe 💜

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