The dates-2- Part 5

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2nd date- She picks.... Bowling. 

It was the next Saturday, this time he met her at the place. She arrived 15 minutes early, which was a miracle for her. She picks the lane, and pays for the shoes and the games before he gets there. She waits at the small sofas on the lane and starts texting Ino.

'Hey. Guess where I ended up picking.' She didn't tell her because then she was afraid she may show up, knowing her. 

'Hmm..your favorite...bowling?' She knew Sakura like the back of her hand.

'Yup. He's not here yet. I'm so nervous. I feel like I picked a cheap spot...was this a bad idea?' she starts over thinking and panicking. As she's waiting for a reply, a pair of shoes suddenly appear next to her. She slowly looks up.

"Hello, beautiful."

"Oh, hi Kakashi. I'm glad you made it. Umm..I already paid for shoes. W-we can head over and get your s-size." she says a bit fast and nervous.

He smirks trying to hold in his laugh. 'The way she panics, it's adorable...I wish she would relax.' "Yes, of course. Let's go."

They get his shoe size, which shoes size doesn't matter, but it was an impressive size to say the least, and then start their first game after they pick out their bowling balls. Sakura was up first. "You better be ready, I'm a pro at this." she tells him, getting excited. She hadn't been here in a minute. She rolls it and gets a strike on the first go. "Yes!" she says and goes to sit down. She looks at him and he is covering his mouth with his hand. ' I over doing it? Why is he doing that?' Then he gets up and grabs his ball. He fixes his position and rolls it, getting a perfect strike. He comes back and sits next to her.

"This is gonna be quite a game, Sakura." he leans closer to her, "I love bowling."

They continue their first game: Sakura- Strike. Strike. Spare. Strike. Spare. Kakashi- Strike. Spare. Strike. Strike.Strike. 'Damn it. If I get one more spare I'm not gonna be able to catch up.' After his last strike, he spins around to her, her arms are crossed.

"What happened, I thought you were a pro?" he says teasingly.

"Ugh, 2 out of 3 games! Let me go and-" she get up but he stops her by her wrist.

"No, please, Ill pay for the next two." As he's about to leave, this time she puts her hand on his arm stopping him.

"I'm capable of paying. Plus, I picked bowling, so I pay." Without arguing, he nods. "Alright." He hated for a woman to pay for anything on a date, it bothered him. He was brought up to be the gentlemen and not let the woman worry about anything she didn't have to. Unfortunately, that started to show as a weakness in his life.

She comes back and before they start the 2nd game, she stands in from of him with her arms on her waist.  "I'm gonna declare this as war. Who ever wins...picks the next date." she says very confidently. 

"OH, the next date? I'm very intrigued now." 'I didn't think she'd suggest it this time, this is good. I'm slowly reeling her in...I feel like the luckiest guy right now.'

They start on their next game, with losers going first, which she didn't want to admit. Every once in a while, she would forget who she was with and just shout "Yes! You're going down!" and would point to him, and severely melt on her way back to her seat in embarrassment. He had no choice but to smile at her and give her the same energy.

"You think so...but that 3rd date is mine!" By the end of the 2nd game, he was up by 20 points in combination with the 1st game.

"Damn you! Where the hell did you learn how to play this anyways?"

He half smiles, "I was wondering when you were going to ask me that."

"Well..spill!" she says to him.

"I don't know if I should...I don't want your hopes of winning to be brought down."

She opens her mouth and gives a 'I can't believe you said that' laugh. "What! Oh, now your talking big. Okay..we'll see about that."

As he sat there, looking at her concentrate on the first throw for the 3rd game, he imagined her with him...for a while. 'This woman is just... like I hit the jackpot. I love that I got to see this side of her tonight, it's absolutely a breath of fresh air.' Suddenly not noticing he was in a daze, he suddenly sees two green eyes right in front of him.

"Your turn, Kashi." she accidentally says a bit too seductively for him.

To not get himself worked up and think of dirty things, he says "Kashi huh?...You already gave me a nick name..." he gets up and slides his fingers across her arm, giving her an excited feeling, as he goes to his ball. 'Oh my god, what's wrong with me. Calm down Sakura.' 

They continue the game, and she really gave it her all, but in the end...unfortunately..she lost by.."Only 5 points! What the hell! I never lose!" she says looking at the score on the board. She walks up to him and stands over him with her hands on her waist again, as he is sitting very calm and comfortably. "Tell long have you been bowling?" 

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