Christmas Eve/Day- Part 28

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It was finally Christmas day, and she was knocked out like she had never slept before. All snuggled beneath the blanket with him, he kisses her down her neck and slides under the sheets to reach her warm bosoms. Kissing her softly with only his lips, she starts to wake up. "Mmm..." she moans as she wanted to sleep more, but he wasn't letting her. "Kashi...not yet...I don't want to wake up..." she whines softly. He smiles and continues to kiss her breast while caressing her flat toned stomach, keeping her from going back to sleep. He then changes his soft kisses, using his tongue to play with her now aroused nipple, releasing the sounds he was able to hear last night. "Mh!..ah!...Kashi don''s too...ah!" she suddenly moans loudly to his sudden touch to her clit. He circles her slowly with his finger, playing with her until he felt her release. He climbs up and kisses her.

"Merry Christmas, Sakura..." All pink and panting from her morning orgasm, she grabs his hair and gives him another kiss. It was about 11 am already, and he had his plans set. They take a shower together and get dressed. They go eat a light breakfast to get something in their system, then to the living room. Sitting in front of each other by the tree, she gives him her gift first. Nicely wrapped in a shiny dark gray paper with a black ribbon, he opens it up and to his surprise, it was a limited edition book from his favorite author. How did she do it? Well....she knew somebody, who knew somebody, who knew him.

"This is amazing, Sakura...I love it." He opens the book, loving the beautiful sound of the fresh seal crack, and sees the ink. "How did you get his autograph?!" She wouldn't tell him. He gives her a long kiss and then it was his turn. He gets up and goes to the coffee table drawer, pulling out a box. " already got me something yesterday...that was more than enough."

He places his finger over her lips and hands her a small white box with a pink ribbon. "I had already gotten this for you way before yesterdays shopping, so you have no choice." Sighing she undoes the ribbon and opens it, revealing a paper that said, 'Go ice skating with me'.

"Today? On Christmas?"

 " Christmas."

 "Alright! I can finally show you how good I got! You will be so impressed, you're going to have to find something else to teach me." She kisses him.

"Oh, that's not a problem...I have lots to teach you..." his eye brawls move up and down.

"Kashiii!!" she blushes as she runs away to go change into something warm. He was already nicely dressed, just had to put on his black coat. Looking in the closet, she decides she wanted to wear her new coat and beret, so she goes with some white leggings, her light pink flared out skirt, with a white wool v-neck long sleeved shirt. Coming out in the living room, she spins around. "I'm ready!" He checks her out head to toe, and walks up to her.

"Beautiful. Let's go." They drive over to the ice rink and get all set up. He's about to help her in, but she stops him.

"Nope! I can do it. Watch me." As soon as her skate touched the ice, she glides right in without any problems. He goes in right after her and starts clapping.

"That was perfect!" He comes to hug her, but she skates away.

"Catch me..." she says to him. He smiles and goes after her. She kind of squeals as he came very close to getting his hands on her. After a few minutes skating together, he checks the time on his watch, and then begins his little speech. What he was about to do is usually not his style, but he knew that he wanted the world to know just how deeply in love he is with this woman. He also personally invited Ino to be there just for an hour that day, not telling her any details. Though, Ino ends up bringing Sai and Sasuke with her. Kakashi had a feeling the kid would come, but he could care less. 

"Sakura...I want you to know, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. You've changed me for the better, and I am so grateful it was by someone as beautiful as you." He sees the people he hired telling everyone skating in the rink to stand on the edges just for 2 minutes. Looking up to him as he's saying this, she doesn't notice that they were the only ones now in the center of the ice. He skates in front of her backwards and stops them both. She finally looks around as sees everyone pushed off to the side and looking at them.

A little confused, she says "What's going on?" As soon as she said that, about 20 skaters all dressed in white come out into the rink each holding a bouquet of pink and purple roses, surrounding them as they are in the middle of the ice rink. They quickly place them down on the ice in a heart shape as someone comes to give him a head microphone, then immediately leaves the ice. "Kashi...what are you...-" He gets down on one knee, and she almost slips from the shock, but good thing he was still holding her hand. Now everyone was going to be able to hear what he was about to say.

"Sakura...the moment we met eyes, it was over for me. I knew you were someone special, and I am so grateful that you hit me with your purse that morning." She giggles a little, as the rest of the crowd does too. "I love you with all my heart, and I can't bear to wait any longer. I've found're my everything, you're my soulmate. Sakura Haruno, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He opens the box to reveal a thin platinum ring with a well sized pink diamond right on the top. She didn't know what to say...but it wasn't a no. 

'He's...he's really asking me the big question. I can't believe this. I didn't see this least not now...not today..' 
Covering her mouth with her hand the entire time with a tear on the brink of falling, she bends down and kisses him first, long and passionate. Then her voice carried through the mic, as she very softly said..."You're too much, Kashi. Yes, I would love to marry you.." He smiles, takes the ring out of the box, and slips it on her 4th finger on her left hand he was still holding onto. It slipped on so fine and perfect, she was amazed just how good he was at picking things out for her. She jumps to hug him so tight, he loses his balance.

"Sakura!...Wait!" and he falls back onto the ice with her, sliding against one of the bouquets. She kisses him over and over, tears coming out, landing on his cheek. The crowd laughs a little, awes, and claps. He takes off the mic and gives it to the hired team that are now picking up almost all the bouquets, except for one, and taking them back to where they were kept. He gets up and then helps her up, skating with each other a little more and picking up the bouquet that was left on the ice. As the rest of the people were resuming their skate, Ino and Sai catch up to them. "Ino??" Sakura says very surprised.

"Oh my god Sakura!!!" she squeals in tears and gives her a big hug. "Let me see it!" she pulls on her hand and sees the beautiful pink rock. "Oh my!...Mr.'ve out done yourself. Congrats to the both of you!"

He hands her the bouquet of flowers. "Thank you. And thank you for attending, I know it's Christmas day, and everyone has their own plans."

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