You look good- Part 37

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She stays quiet at first, having pass a few floors, and hates to have her senses pick up the cologne he always wore. That fucking cologne that rushed back unwanted memories. Not turning around to look at him, she finally says,

"What do you want?"

"Aah..she speaks. I just wanted to say hi. Talk a little. You know how much I loved our little talks..."

"I have nothing to say to you."

He gets closer, and stands right next to her. "You don't have to be rude." He takes a whiff of her hair and gets really close to her ear. She tries to move away, but he holds her by the arm and rubs his finger against her smooth skin. "You smell like always."

She closes her eyes as she gets goosebumps and a chill down her spine. 'Why do I feel this way...I shouldn''s been long enough. And he...I hate him...I hate...him...'

She puts her hand out and pushes him away from her, keeping her eyes looking forward. "Leave me alone. I'm not...I'm not the same person you think you know."

"Oooh...yeeah. I can tell you're more grown...more...experienced by now." She steps up to come closer to the doors, still giving him her back, and sees that the elevator is almost at her floor. 'Come on, come'. She can feel him come up right behind her again and breathes down her neck. Her scent is something he could never forget, and he wasn't going to let her slip away after this unexpected meet. As his hot breath fills her neck he says, "I must're beauty hasn't fated one bit..." he hisses lowly as he checks out every bit of her. Hearing him just brought back more memories of them...with every noise he made. It started to make her feel sick. "I want to see you again." Saying nothing to his request, soon the elevator doors open, and she quickly walks out without looking back. "I'll see you around, Sakura. It was...very nice seeing you."

Taking deep breaths and trying not to panic, she waits for the elevator 'ding' to go off, indicating the doors were closed, and he was gone, so she can lean on the hallway wall and catch her breath. It had been so long that she hadn't seen him, and for good reasons. Before heading into his office, she decides to check her phone. She looks to see all the unread messages from Sasuke. She opens them and scans through them all real quick and sees that he was trying to warn her that he would be at Mr. Hatake's office today, and to not go if she happened to be going. Too late for that. "Damn it...this is what I get for staying upset and ignoring him for something so stupid." She gets herself together, and walks towards his doors. She goes inside and Kakashi gets up from his desk.

"Hey, beau-...what's wrong?"

' I that obvious? Damn it.'  "What do you mean?..I'm fine...just..walked too fast earlier.."

He gives her a look. "Saaakuurraa...."


She keeps denying anything is wrong, so he lets it go and talks about the new deal he just made with the 'Uchiha Vision'. He asks her if she knew about Sasuke's family business, and she says yeah, but not a lot since Sasuke didn't take over the business. She keeps it a secret that she knew a lot more than she should since her ex was the one dealing things with his father, he would share vital information with her when they were together. After showing her the amazing equipment and machinery that were just approved for clinical use, they eat their lunch together. He keeps looking at her and swears that something in her face expressions was different today. He touches her hand, and she right away flinches unexpectedly. "Hey...are you sure you're alright? Anything...happen yesterday or this morning?" He was pertaining to his rival.

She responds right away to steer clear from worrying him. Shaking her head she says, "No, no nothing happened. I'm good." After lunch they say their good byes, kiss, and she heads out. On the elevator down, she can't wait to just get home and forget about ever seeing him. The doors open and she heads outside the building only to be met by him once again, leaning against his shiny red car.

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