Vacation- Part 24

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Since she was taking the next 2 weeks off to spend it with her man, she brought her Christmas gifts on the last day of work on the 18th. He dropped her off in the morning, and she headed up to work. Arriving earlier than usual, her co-workers were surprised. She handed her little gifts to Hinata and Naruto first, her boss, then left Sasuke last. She let the day go by, ate lunch with him, and finally, the end of the day came. Opening her locker, she took the small black box she spent time wrapping nicely especially for him. As he was closing up his, and fixing his backpack on himself, she turned to him. "Sasuke. I won't be coming into work until the next year, and I wanted to make sure I gave this to you." Handing him the small box, he stares at it, then her words to him registered.

"Wait. Next year?! So you're not gonna be here all next week??" 

"Umm...yeah...I kind of made plans to take a break."

'Pft...more bonding time. I get it. I guess I can't stop her...'  
He takes off his backpack and places the box inside gently. "Thanks Saku. I umm..." he was about to tell her he had one for her too, but decides to just wait. "Never mind. Thanks. Are you...getting picked up again?" 

"Yeah, I am..." 

"Alright...well, I'll walk you out." They head down stairs and he spots him standing outside his car waiting for her. Before they go out the building, he pulls her towards him and gives her a hug, and speaks to her with his lips close to her ear. "In case I don't see you...have a Merry Christmas. I'm glad we were able to hangout, I missed you... Saku." 

Hugging him back with just as much love, "I missed you too Sasuke...I always do. Have a Merry Christmas as well. Survive your dinner." They both laugh. She gives him a light kiss to the cheek and they part and finally walk out the front doors, with Sasuke giving him a dirty look and walking straight down the block. Kakashi just sighed. He was getting use to the way he looked at him every time they met, so it didn't really bother him as much.

That night he surprises her by taking her to a spa to relax and de-stress from all that skating she did for the past week. She's never been to one, so she was a little nervous being only in a towel most of the time, but since it was only him and her there, again, he got the entire place for themselves, it wasn't too bad. "First we have to shower before we get into the hot tub." He kisses her. "I'll see you in a bit." They both shower separately, since they were in public, and then they met at the hot tub. She gets in slowly, still wearing her towel and looks around constantly. He chuckled. "Sakura...relaaax. No ones gonna see you, except me." All pink faced, she slowly sat down next to him in the hot water.

"Aahhh...this is nice." He removes her towel for her and puts it aside.

"Now it's even nicer." They kiss a bit, touch a little, but kept it friendly as to not make any sounds. After about 20 minutes he instructs her, "Alright, you ready for the next part?" They both get new towels and meet in the steam room. He walks in first as she follows behind him. As soon as the door closed, he dropped his towel and sat on one of the benches. Keeping her towel on, she gazed at him in all his beauty, biting her lip a bit. He really was a gorgeous man. "Come..." he calls her over. Sitting next to him. Again, he takes off her towel while she hides herself, still being nervous in a public place. He shakes his head and rubs her back. "You're too cute, Sakura. No one will come in, I promise."

"It's don't know if I like's like.. I can't breathe...". He didn't want her to start panicking so he holds her.

"Relax...close your eyes and imagine we are somewhere else, just for 10 minutes at least." She hangs in there, closing her eyes, and breathing as calmly as she could. When time was up, she was out of there! Coming out of the room, gasping for air, she still shook her head.

"Nope...I'm not doing that again. It's too claustrophobic."

"Alright. No more steam room. Let's take another shower to get this sweat off and then the best is for last. Just don't get too excited on me...I might get jealous and fire the woman." Her eye brawls raise in a questionable way as she walks away to go take another shower. Meeting him in the hall way, he hold out his hand to her. "You ready?"

"Mhm. What's this best for last?" He opens the door in front of him into a huge, beautiful room with lots of plants and flowers blooming, along with small little waterfalls in their surroundings. In the center stood several massaging tables awaiting for them to be laid on. "Ooohh..I've never had one of these."

"Well, lets not waste time." They both sit on top of the table, undo their towels to lay down, and cover their bottoms as two masseuses came in to start their session. While they are being massaged, Kakashi turns his head to look at her and says, "How are you, Sakura?"

Being almost half asleep from the nice rubs this woman was giving her she tries her best to respond, "I'm...really...gooood.." He chuckles knowing she was going to fall asleep, he knew how comfortable she gets when something feels good. After about an hour massage, he almost fell asleep himself. He sat up and covered himself, making the women in there blush from his perfect physique, and waved to leave them for a moment. He got off from the table and came close to her sleeping face. She was out cold. He puts his fist up to his lips to prevent him from laughing.

He touches her long hair and down her bare back, "Sakura...wake up...". Nothing. He comes next to her ear and whispers, "'s time to wake up." He slips his hands around her body, touching the sides of her breasts, tickling her a bit, making her wake.

"Mmm?...*gasps*...I fell asleep! I'm sorry!" she sits up right away and covers herself.

He laughs and gives her a peck. "No, you're fine. It's common to fall asleep. Let's go home."

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