Time apart- Part 20

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Reaching the 6th floor, getting there just in time, she rushes into the locker room and puts her purse away. As she starts pulling off her scarf, she remembers why the heck she was wearing it in the first place. 'I almost forgot!...phew...' and fixes it back in place. She walks to her station and begins her day. After a few minutes, he comes in from finishing something on the computers. "Morning."

"Morning." she says back. They don't say much to each other through the hours until it was their lunch break. Not bringing anything with her to eat, she heads for the elevator.

She's about to press the button when she hears, "Hey." He tells her from a distance. "I brought enough for two. Want to... share?" She accepts and follows him out on the balcony. He opens his lunch box to reveal...dumplings...delicious dumplings.

"Wow...you never bring this. I hope you weren't just thinking of me." He lightly blushes and lets out a 'hn'. He puts it in the middle so they can share. Going on her second one, she decides to ask..for the millionth time... "So.... how's my phone doing?"

He smiles, "It's doing just fine. Safe." She swallows her food. "When are you gonna give it back?" Ignoring her question, he lightly tugs on her scarf. "What's this?"

Touching it before she replies. "It's a scarf." she says sarcastically.

"No duh. Why are you wearing it? You don't wear scarfs...ever." She puts another dumpling in her mouth, giving her time to come up with an excuse. "I was cold this morning."

"Mmm..I see. Is it doing it's job?"

She can tell by his tone he wasn't buying it, but she plays along. "It is, very much so."

Trying to make her say more, he says, "I came by this morning...you weren't home." 

"Oh..uh..I left early today...that's all. Sorry. I went to get something to eat before work." He looks at her knowing she was lying. They finish and fight for the last dumpling. Sakura won...as usual. They clean up and go back inside to finish their shift. The end of the day comes, and she was determined to get her phone back before they walk home. Closing her locker, she turns to glare at him. 

"My phone." she demands holding her hand out.

He smirks, closes his locker and takes her hand. "Fine. Let's go get it then. It's at my place." She sighs...'I hope he doesn't...say anything I don't know how to respond to. I hope I made it clear enough that...I want us to continue to be friends, and that's it.'

"Fine. Let's go."

They still hold hands all the way until they reach his place. He opens the door and lets her in first. "Sit, I'll go get it." She didn't want to rush him, but she kind of had other plans. He comes back and holds up her phone, showing it her. She goes ahead and tries to take it from his hand, but he pulls it away.

"Sasuke!" she says impatiently.

"Take off your scarf." She freezes at his request.


"I'll give it back to you after you take off your scarf..." trying to make a deal.

"What the...you've had my phone for far too long. AND! You said that if I went to that damn party you would give it and you didn't, so...Just give it to me! I shouldn't have to-"

"Are you hiding something..?" he asks as if he already knew.

"Saaasukeee. Give me my damn phone! I don't know why you're being like this." she says in a low tone, trying to keep calm.

He tries to pull on her scarf, but she holds onto it firmly. "Let go and give me my phone!" She actively reaches for her phone, but he takes it out of her reach. 'You want to play, lets play.' She grabs his arm and tries to snatch it from him, twisting his arm, pulling it, whatever she had to do. After much struggling, he trips back and they both fall, and her phone goes *SMACK* on the floor, breaking her screen. They both look at it, as her beautiful pink phone had a huge webbed crack on the corner of her screen. "No! Phooone!...Sasuke, look what you did!" she says, getting off of him from the floor. She picks up her phone and just shoves it in her purse. "You fucking suck, you know that! I have to go." and walks out, leaving his front door open. He lays there on his living room floor for a minute, feeling guilty about what just happened. 'Fuck. I didn't mean for that to happen...' He gets up and decides to go after her. As he's walking around the block, he sees her waiting at the bus station on the next block.

He sneaks up behind her and whispers in her ear, "I didn't mean to break it." Startled, she jumps up and hits him out of reflex. "Ow.." he says, touching his chest she just slapped.

"Oh, ...what are you doing here? Go home Sasuke. I'll see you tomorrow." He sees the bus approaching and decides to make his move. He pulls on her scarf, hard enough that it flashes part of her neck for a second, give him a peek of one of her huge marks. "What the fuck Sasuke!" she pushes him away just as the bus arrives. He doesn't say anything as she boards the bus and finds her seat. As the bus leaves, he stands there speechless. 'She went to see him...I knew it....and she's going there now I bet. You're so stupid Sakura...'

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