The Beginning-Part 1

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** Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto or any of its characters. This story is of my own made up fanfiction story. Please do not read if not of age. Explicit language and later on: Lemon/ Smutt/Mature scenes. Please do not read if not comfortable with my story line.**

It is a Monday morning, mid August, Sakura is late to work yet again. Running through the streets to make it in time, she accidentally bumps into a man. Her purse falls out of her hand and everything spills out. 

"Watch where-" he starts to say.

This type of man wouldn't usually help if it wasn't his fault, but the moment he laid eyes on her very pink hair, it was over for him. That was something you don't see everyday. 'My, my...who is this fine woman.' 

"Here, let me help you." he says, totally changing his tone from a few seconds ago. 

"'s my fault, you don't have to.." she says apologetically. 

As the man offers to help her, she looks up and they meet eyes. He instantly is pulled into her big green eyes. 'Could she really be...real?'  he says to himself, not being able to comprehend how he has never met such a gorgeous woman in his life. She blushes hard at the man, who is very much attractive himself in many ways.

"Umm..I-I'm sorry. I am so late right now. Thank you for your help." she says with her blush staying in place as she puts in the last thing in her bag.

"It was not a problem, really." he tells her, still in aw from her looks.

 She runs off, and he wanted to stop and ask for her name, but realized she just turned the corner into the building. 'Ah. I see...she works for the labs. Good to know. I guess I'll have to wait and see her ...tomorrow.'

She rushes into the lockers and puts her stuff away, and swiftly pops into her work space where she works with her co-workers, Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke. They work in a laboratory testing cells all day from different organs. It's owned by a company that creates artificial organs that helps people all over the world. Naruto and Hinata have a thing for each other, but have not fessed up. Sasuke and Sakura are good close friends, but they have gone out once for a small lunch date thing on a weekend. It was more like a hangout than anything else and stayed friends as they were. Never done anything more. They are actually more relaxed when they are just friends.

"Heey Sakura! You made it just in time!" Naruto says in his very loud voice.

"Naruto! Don't say that...our boss is gonna hear dummy!" she says in a shush voice.

"Oh, sorry. Just was saying hi, geez." he says rolling his eyes.

"Yes, hi. Okay. Lets get to work. Did you already bathe these cultures?" she points at the tubes left on the side.

"Yes, they were done 20 minutes ago. No problem. You can check on the liver cells if you'd like." Sasuke says to her as he comes around the corner.

"Hmph. So I will. Don't think you saved me today...I would have gotten it done anyways." She sticks her tongue out.

"Mmhm...not with your late ass."

"Shut it. I'm not a morning person. You're lucky to even get to see me at this hour."

The next day, Sakura, as usual, was late to work. As she rushes towards her building entrance, she finds that same man standing some feet away before the main doors. She kind of slows her pace before reaching the doors. 'He's the same guy from yesterday. Did I do something wrong? I did apologize...didn't I?' He stops her by walking slowly in front of her path way.

 "Hello again." he says in a calm voice.

"Yes, hello again. Umm..I'm sorry, I'm confused. Did I do something wrong? I'm pretty sure I said sorry to you yesterday.." she says forwardly.

"Huh?! That is water under the bridge. I was actually here to ask you a question. May I?" he says putting his hand behind his neck.

"O-oh, a question. Sure I guess...but could you say it quick, I'm in kind of a hurry." she says in a rush.

"Well then, let me walk you while I ask then." She accepted, he opens the door for her and they continue walking. "Would you join me for dinner sometime?" he asks bluntly, his eyes never leaving her.

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