Sundays- Part 4

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The next morning, it was her normal Sunday routine she has been doing for the past 2 years. Well, actually, since she started working at the labs and living with Ino. She wakes up around 7 and goes for her run. She put her hair in a high pony tail, black shorts, pink running shoes and a white wife beater tank, along with her ear buds. Listening to her mix of music, she thinks about the date last night. 'He really took me all out last night, it even tasted too expensive for me, but god...that dessert was delicious. I could eat that all day. I didn't even ask what he does for a living. Next time...I'll ask next time. For was just a nice date with a gorgeous man. This is really unbelievable...I've never gone out with someone like him...he seems so...perfect.'  As she's turning the corner she almost runs into someone and dodges them just in time.

"Woah, sorry! I wasn't watching where I was-.." and then stops talking. She continues to run off as she was and forgets she ever saw him. "Out of all places...", she says to herself.
After finishing her hour run, she comes back home to stretch and do some muscle exercises. It was about 9 when she takes a shower and gets ready for the day. Wearing her jeans and a white spaghetti strap, she goes to sit on the couch and watch some TV. There was a knock at the door, so she goes to the peep hole first. "Sai?" she says to herself. She opens the door "Hey Sai, I don't think Ino is ready yet, I haven't seen her all mor-."

"I'm awake! Hold on Sai!" she hears her yell through the place and the bathroom door slams shut.
"Oh, I guess she is. Come wait on the couch for her."

"Yeah..thanks." He already knew Ino was always almost ready, but not quite...always making him wait.

She continues to watch her drama series as Sai sits by her and tries to see what's going on.

After about 15 minutes he says "So...did she tell him that on purpose?"

"That's the thing we don't know. They haven't said whether she's a suspect or not."

"I see." All into the episode, he didn't notice when Ino was standing right next to him.

"Ohh Sai! I'm ready!"

He stands up right away and looks at her. "You look beautiful babe. Shall we go?"

"Yes, bye Sakura, I want details tonight when I get back!"

"Okay! Shut up! You're not suppose to say anything!" she says to her, getting nervous that she said that in front of Sai.

It was about lunch time, so she knew Sasuke should have been on his way over, along with food. ..he always made sure she was fed, it was one of his duties as a good friend since she didn't know how to cook for shit. There was a knock at the door and she right away opens it.

"Sasuke! About time...what did you bring today?"

He walks in past her and sets in on the table. "Oh, you know, just your usual favorites ... dumplings, rice balls and some fruit on the side."

"Ohhh. You're awesome Sasuke! I was just catching up on some "Cold case", come, come sit." She pulls him and takes the bag with her to the table.

"Hold on, let me get some plates and stuff." He walks to her kitchen and starts to get some of her dishes out.

"You know we could eat straight from the boxes!" she says knowing it would tick him off.

"Ugh, no Sakura! That is so cheap, come on." 

She laughs at him.."Yes...if you say so...". He was always particular when it came to doing things. He would have to serve the food on the plates and throw away all the foam containers it came in, then he could sit and eat. It was a sickness....that what Sakura would call it. Finally, he set everything up for them and they started watching the episodes as they ate. After about 3 hours of binge watching, she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. He himself was nodding off until his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket and it was a message from It read:

'Hey lil bro. Hope your doing alright. I ran into her is she?' 'Her? Does he mean...'

'Hey. Do you mean... Sakura?'

'No shit. Who else is it when I say her...I know you guys work at the same place.'

'Then why don't you just text her name... asshole. Why does it matter how she's doing. You saw her right? Didn't you see for yourself?'

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