Please - Part 49

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WARNING: Some description of drug use in the beginning of this chapter. Please do not read if not of age or are uncomfortable with my story line at this point. I am not persuading, nor insinuating that drugs are good or very bad for you. This is just what happens to the characters. Thank you. 

He felt her sweet breath just gently fall down his ear, down his neck, and loved the way she said that. 'Fly huh?...I highly doubt it.' He turns his head, holds her head gently with both hands and gives a kiss. "What do I have to do?"

She smiles, kisses him again, and goes to get her piece she used on the daily. "All you have to do is sit there, breath in whatever I blow into you...and hold it just for a little, then release. Got it?"

"Uuuhh...breath in?"

"'s smoke."

"As soon as he heard that, he hesitated. "I didn't realize it was smoke...I'm not sure about this....I'm not a huge fan of tobacco. As it friend already does it once in a while and I know it's not-"

"This is isn't the same as tobacco. No way. I don't even smoke cigarettes. This is...different." she insists.

He sits there thinking about it...choosing whether this was a good idea or not. 'It's Friday...I don't see Sakura until Sunday anyways. I don't have shit to do tomorrow...just sulk every time I think know what, fuck it.' "Okay. I'm in. Blow into me."

She laughs at the words he chose. "Haha! Alright! Now just watch you always do...", she gives him one more kiss,"...and wait for your part...". She opens her jar once again, takes out a bud, and breaks it up some so it fit into the little bowl at the bottom of her water pipe. Getting her lighter from her drawer, she comes back and lights it up. He can see the bright white smoke rising up in the clear tube and just watched in amazement. 'How could she suck all that up in one go?? She's so small...where is it all going?'  he thought to himself, no pun intended. As soon as she was done, she placed her piece down on the floor and went straight to him and started blowing out into his lips, waiting for him to open up. He wasn't sure what to do at first...but then he parts his lips a bit and starts sucking in. As soon as he felt the smoke hit his throat he couldn't help but cough. Never mind holding it in, he was coughing and coughing like crazy. She blows out the rest of hers as she watches him try and catch his breath and giggles a little. "You okay, Sasuke...?" She asks purposefully.

Still coughing, he tries to catch his breathing back first before answering. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Ugh...that made me choke...I don't know if I like that." 

"Give it a minute or two." He waits like she says as he watches her take another one for herself, and then it was happening. She can see in his eyes that it was creeping up on him. "You good?" she asks again.

"Yeah...I'm...I'm..." he suddenly started feeling something. He didn't know what it was...but it made his mind just "I'm...fine..." he says calmly and a little out of it. 

Taking that 2nd huge hit already, she crawls on her bed up to her pillow, knowing she wanted to be comfortable for what was about to come. "Hey...come over here.." she pats her hand on her pillow next to her.

He turns slowly, and didn't even notice he registered what she said. It was weird. Like he heard her, but didn't comprehend, yet his body was already moving. He reaches her pillow...lays his head...and feels her hand come onto his cheek. "Tell me...what are you feeling..?" she asks him quietly and gently. 

"I'm...I don't know..." he runs his hand through his hair, "..but...I can say...I don't feel anything. Nothing. It feels...kind of nice." he smiles and continued to gaze into her eyes as her lids were becoming a bit low. 'Wow...this is....what is this...?' he thinks to himself. 'I hate the smell...but...the feeling....'

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