It's time-3- Part 12

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The next morning they head out on the road in the early morning. As soon as they arrive to his ranch home, breakfast was hot and ready for them both. Taking a seat on a stool on his kitchen island, she spots a pink glass bottle, still sealed. Her eyes follow him as he takes a seat next to her.
"You got drink..?" she says in a guilty way.

He smiles. "I did." his tone very much happy. "Go on...taste it. I want to know if it's to your liking."

Glaring at him, she opens the bottle, and pours herself a glass. The glass touches her parted lips as she begins to drink it. The cold creamy texture smoothly streams down her throat. The flavor was unbelievably rich. She lets out a small satisfying sound as she puts her glass down. 

He waits for her response, but could already tell from her face expressions and noises that she loved it.

"It''s...delicious. It's the best I've ever had!" she says super excited, making him laugh at how that sounded to him.

"I'm glad I can satisfy you."

She looks over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "You're really too much. Thank you."

 After breakfast he went to the kitchen and started to get some ingredients out. She walks over and looks at everything. "Whatchu gonna make?" she says in a sweet tone. It makes him get a big grin the way she said that.

"I'm making some dessert for us, for later."

"Oh...anything I can help with?"

"Sure, you know how to mix?"

"Uh, I can try!" Today is the day he learns that she can't bake or cook for shit, but he couldn't help made her even cuter to him.

"Here, hold the whisk like this", he comes behind her and places his hand over hers to show her how to mix and fluff the mixture.
"Oh...I see. Okay, let me try." She starts doing pretty well, until she almost spills it over. "Sorry! I saved it though. When can we eat this?"

"Mmm..probably by tomorrow. It needs to get really cold and set. It's my preference to wait at least a day." Together they pour in the mixture into a pan and place it in the oven. After about 40 minutes, he takes it out to cool. Meanwhile he whipped up the cream and as she sliced some strawberries. She wasn't too bad with the knife, she did learn how to use a razor in her classes back in college for different cutting of organism samples. After about 30 minutes, he carefully pops it out of the pan and slices the cake in half, hamburger ways.

"Wow...where did you learn how to bake?" amazed at his skills and know hows.

"My father actually. He was a busy man, but when it came to desserts, he knew a thing or two to end the day just right."
"Mmm...I'm so lucky he passed these winning talents to you." she says as she hugs him and touches his toned abdomen with her small hands.

"Ngh!...Sakura...hold on...I don't want to break the cake." he says in urgency as she really got him excited.

"Oh, sorry...hahaha" she laughs as she sees him blushing. 'I didn't notice how he reacts to my touch like that. It's cute.'  She lets him be and goes to her phone finding more messages from Sasuke.

'Sakura...I'm staying in your room till you get back. What's in your drawers I wonder..'

Making a "Ugghh" under her breath she texts back, 'Sasuke, don't you dare! You know I hate when you do that...why are you still there anyways? '

He ignores her question and texts, 'Then promise me that you won't ever break our Friday nights again.'

'You're being such a child Sasuke. I can't promise that...I don't know the future.'

Just as she was arguing over text, Kakashi calls her over. "Hey, come. This is the fun part." She smiles and walks on over. She stands in front of him so he can guide her. He has her take a large spoon and dips it in the bowl of whipped cream, "So...we put a big dollop of cream on top .." he holds her hand with the spoon full of cream and places the cream gently on top of the first cake. He then reaches for the flat spatula and has her hold it as he continues to hold her hand.."..we spread it evenly across like this." She can feel how he had so much control of the way he spread it all around the edges, not letting a single bit fall off. "..And if we have a bit too much...we do this.." He takes a bit on his finger and puts on to her lips. She looks up to him and slowly parts her lips, letting his finger enter. She closes her lips around his finger and licks off the cream from his finger slowly with her tongue, giving him much of a turn on. He kisses her neck as she is still sucking in his finger. "You like the taste...Sakura?" he whispers. He then takes back his finger and places it into his own mouth.

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