Birthday girl- Part-50

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About a shy of a month passes, and by this time the newspapers and media had come and go, had made up their own story about Mr. Hatake, his fiancee, and Mr. Uchiha built from pure hypotheses, and then died down, leaving them in peace. Sakura had already been going back to work since that Monday, and was surprised that her boss let her come back. Of course, it was Kakashi who put in a word for her and made sure she would have her same hours and same position. He knew how much she loved her job, and naturally, he was going to get her what she wanted. After that night of floating in the clouds, Sasuke and Yukino became closer, much closer. Even so, everyday he still stuck to the old routine of waiting for Sakura after work and walking home with her as he still always wanted to see her. Why wouldn't he? Though, he did refrain from holding her hand like they use to. She was a bit hurt at first, but didn't want to make a big deal about it. She knew something was up as she observed a bit too much texting for the serious Sasuke Uchiha. But any who, she was stuck on Kakashi none the he was very much glued on his new girl that he still had yet to tell them about.

One day as she was getting into work, she had just walked into her building when she saw a flyer poster. Stopping right in front of it, she took a snapshot of it with her phone, then headed upstairs to start her shift. Getting home that evening, she plopped down in her bed and finally got to read it more thoroughly.

'Welcoming all who ever wanted to have more in their life, to be more. We need you! Starting this fall, only $1200 to get your foot into the door. You won't regret it. Sign up now by calling xxx-xxxx, or visiting our website at'

She smiles big and couldn't wait to tell Kakashi about it.

That Friday, a little past the middle of March now, the trio finally all go out together to the bar again. Since Sasuke had been skipping out on them due to always being with Yukino, it was the beginning of going back to their old routine and she decides to start it off with telling them about a decisions she already had made in her head. As she's sipping her cold beer, trying not to over do it, she bursts out with a, "Guess what guys!" They turn to look at her. "I think I'm going to go to school again."

"Saay what??? When?"

"In the fall. It's gonna be here at the near by college."

"What made you decide that?" Sasuke asks, knowing she was content with her job, always has been.

"Well...Kashi said he would support me if I ever wanted to do something more. And I would be a good time to start something new."

Ino takes another swig of her drink and then asks the big question. "That reminds me...are you two...umm...still planning to get married?" Sakura doesn't answer right away, but it was only because neither of them have brought it up about it again with him.

"I'm not sure to be honest...I would...still like to..."

Ino and Sasuke look at each other then look back at her. Ino touches her hand. "You don't have to rush you know. I doubt he'll go anywhere if you say no. You guys have plenty of time to still get to know each other."

"Yeah, I know that...I know." 

"But anyways! Alright! School!....good luck with that. Grow some brain cells for me." Ino says, never really being a school person, but did exceptionally well, enough to have a pretty good GPA back in the day, not that any of that mattered now. They continue drinking, and the moment finally came. The sound of Sasuke's phone goes off and her eyes immediately go to Ino. He pulls it out and begins reading a text from her, bringing on a huge smile to his face. Now was the time to start the interrogation.

"Wooow....who is putting this expression on you??? Let me see!!" Sakura reaches over to grab his phone, but he quickly pulls it out of her reach just in time.

"Hey! Cut it out!"

"Come on! Let us see who is making your 24/7 serious face light up like that!" Ino adds. As both of them are basically attacking him and get too close to getting a hold of his precious phone, he almost drops his beer.

"You guys! You're going to-" he almost looses his balance off his stool, getting him a bit upset, so he stands up.

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