Their firsts- Part 9

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Kakashi shows up a bit earlier than their meet time to the address and has his driver drop him off in front, parking the car in the back. He sees her just coming up the block, a bit pink from I guess walking fast. Wearing some dark blue skinny jeans with a few rips, along with a black crop top with her hair loose, and her black and white converse, he has to bite his lip. "Hey, beautiful. You look tired, you should have let me pick you up."

"OH no, no I was just trying to get here before you...but I failed...heh." He smiles and kisses her hand as he holds onto it. She blushes "You always do don't have to...".

"I want to. Let me." he says in alluring way.

"Ugh..come on, let's go in." she takes him by the hand and leads him inside to sit at the bar, the usual spot she would sit. It was a small place, not too big. He wanted her to order just as she would any other time she was here, for them both. So she does. 

"Hey Kiba! Can I get 2 large blonde beers and an order of half and half wings."
"You got it." she turns to see Kakashi was looking at her the entire time. Feeling his eyes on her made her blush all the time. 

"You're here a lot more than I imagined, beautiful. You know the bartender as well? And you drink beer?" Being a bit surprised of her habits.

She gives him a small smile. It was cute that this man, this important man, was asking these types of questions...I guess this was a first for him? "Well, I've known the bartender for a while now since we come here so often. Yes, I like beer...but I'm open to other drinks sometimes. Is this your first time to a small place like this, Kashi?" she says as Kiba slides her the beers, passing one to him.

"I can honestly say I haven't been out for drinks like this in a long time. But to answer your question, could say it's my first time to a small pub like this. It's hard to get away from work these days. However; you've given me a reason to make time.." he says in a charming way.

She slowly leans towards him to give him a soft peck on the cheek. He gives her a side smile, blushing a little as he takes a swig of the cold beer she ordered for them. "This is good, Sakura. Very good."

"I'm glad you like it. The wings are good too, I hope you don't mind getting your fingers a bit dirty."

He smirks, "Oh, I don't mind doing it for you." he says with a wink. She pushes him playfully, knowing that he already knew to not say things like that to her public. They continue their evening, eating wings, and talking about different things, as they did on their other dates. It was smooth and comforting, nothing out of place. Kakashi already on his 3rd beer starts to think about things as he continues his conversation. 'How I would love to see her my the kitchen...on my my side for the years to come.'  As she finishes her 4th beer, being a little faster than him in drinking, it was her forte, well, up to a certain point, she orders another. He touches her hand. "Hey, slow down, I don't want you to forget tonight now." He tells her, half serious. 

She laughs, "Oh believe me, I won't. It's not possible...not when I'm here with the most handsome guy I know. Plus...I know my tolerance...I've learned my lesson from the last time."

'"Handsome, huh?...And when was the last time?" he asks, knowing that it was probably that night he picked her up from that kid's place.

She looks at him. "Does it matter when the last time was? I'm here with you. I wouldn't want it any other way. Hey, by the by, how come you haven't tried... kissing me?" Shes able to say without hesitation feeling a good buzz.

He smirks at her bluntness, he knew she was feeling good, as was he. He wasn't a huge drinker himself, so the 3rd beer was getting him good. "I've kissed you, Sakura..." he leans by her ear, "...right here." and kisses her cheek, long and sensual.

She smiles with her pinkish glow from the alcohol. "You know what I mean. I've never gone out with someone this long without them trying to lay one on me." She remembers in that instant the times with Neji in high school, how he wasted no time after they decided to be together to have make out sessions. Or when she had been with Itachi, he kissed her when they decided they liked each other and got hot and heavy fast after that.

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