I said no- Part 31

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The next morning, she wakes up to see it was 7 am already. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be late!" She runs to get dressed and finds Kakashi in the kitchen.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, Kashi, umm...I have to get to work, I have to skip breakfast today."

"Here, just take this, at least have something in your stomach." And passes her a banana. As they're about to leave out the door, he looks down around her hands. "Wait. You can't go to work like that." She looks down and realizes the clear bruising all the way around both her wrists. She gasps a little to herself and touches them, feeling the pain and soreness. 'I didn't think...it was this bad. I need to talk to him.' Coming back from the bathroom, he begins to wrap her wrists in some white bandages and tells her, "I wish you wouldn't go to work....just stay home and relax." She refuses and they proceed to head to his car. On the way, he catches her up on a few things. "I took the day off today Sakura...I wish you would too...but I know how you are. So, I'll meet you for lunch downstairs. I have a few things I want to clear up with you."

"Clear up? Oh...okay. Hopefully today I can also clear things up with Sas-"

"He will not be at work today." he cuts her off. "Please don't say his name. If anything, call him by his last name." he quite sternly says in his deep voice.

"Yes...Kashi." she answers quietly looking out the window. 'I don't like when he's this way...I'm not sure what to do..'

He looks at her as she is rubbing her hands together anxiously, and sighs. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to talk this way...but I'm doing my best to keep my composure. Bear with me." He parks in front of the building. She turns to him and kisses his lips softly, his eyes seeing that stain still on her neck from last night. Her had touches his face and brings him back to stare into her eyes.

"I'll see you for lunch then." 

"Yes, I'll be here." and kisses her back.

She gets upstairs and goes straight to her locker. She looks at her ring, takes it off, and slips it onto her necklace chain, wearing it around her neck. She didn't want to ruin it. At her station, she looks over and sees Sasuke's spot empty. 'I was hoping to see him today...so we can talk things through...so we can...so I can feel some other way about it all...' As hurt as she felt, she didn't want to lose him. She gets through her day, and also does some of Sasuke's work after she was done with her own. It was finally lunch time. The elevator doors open and she presses the button to go to the first floor. They had a small cafeteria, and a small cafe area. She sees him at a table by the cafe windows and starts to head over. She walks up to him and gives him a kiss, then takes her seat. "What did you bring for us?"

"I brought sushi."

"Sounds delicious." As shes using her chopsticks to pick up a piece, being left handed, he notices her ring not on her finger.

"Where's your ring?"

Chewing, she finishes swallowing. "Oh, it's right here." she shows him her necklace. "I don't want it to get ruined with everything I touch at work, so I just put it here."

"Oh, I see. Okay."

"So...what is it that you were going to tell me?"

He takes a deep breath and hopes she doesn't react the way he thinks she will. "I want you to know he will not be working in the same office with you anymore. He will be staying away from you for the time being and is under watch by my security."

"What?..Are you serious?..You can't do that."

He reaches down to his brief case and pulls out a document and puts it besides her food along with a pen. He takes her hand. "Sakura...I need you to press charges against him."

The words he said were not real...they couldn't be. Her? Press charges against her long time friend? She takes her hand back, not believing what he just said. "W-what?..No..no...I'm not doing that."

Friend or lover? (Saku x Kashi x Sasu)Where stories live. Discover now