Confessions- Part 43

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Being warm under the heavy blanket, she was asleep for quite a while. It was about midnight when she started to come to again. Her skin felt cool all over, kind of refreshing compared to the burning sensations she was feeling since earlier. The warmth on her right hand came from Sasuke. She missed the way his hand held was nice. It had been a while they were able to hold hands. Slowly, she moves her fingers, slipping one of them out of his gentle grip, and placing it on top of his hand, petting his lightly.

"Sakura. How are you doing?" he rubs her hand gently. She reaches up to rub her eyes, but he stops her before doing so. "Whoa, wait a minute. You can't do that yet."

"Oh..right." she says still a little sleepy. She looks around the room, and doesn't see Kakashi in the room. Telling from her eyes scanning the room, he knew she was looking for him.

"He stepped out. He'll be back. Ino and I are gonna be with you for now."

She only nods, and tries not to cry again, still feeling the heavy guilt. She sits up a bit, feeling a bit better, then out of nowhere..."I need to pee."

"Oh! uuhh...." he says a bit nervous, getting up.

"I got it. Come on Saku." Sasuke moves out of the way and goes to the other side of the bed as Ino comes right over and has her turn her body to have her legs hang off the bed. Since she was wearing her hospital gown, it was no where tied in the back, exposing her everything right away as soon as she stood up. "Oh, oh!! Hold on Saku!!" Ino starts fixing her and tying the strings. She looks over to Sasuke, and he had already turned around, but was as red as a tomato. He didn't expect her to not have anything on underneath, giving him a flash of her cute, curvaceous bum. It really was an accident. Ino smirks and says, "No looking Sasuke!!"

"Shut up!! I'm not!!" he says bothered that she said it out loud.

Sakura hanging onto Ino for a little support could only smile and laugh a little at them both. The last thing on her mind was to be bothered by her friends seeing her body. She was still in some pain, and the important thing was that they were there to help, not judge. In the bathroom, Ino fixes herself up in the mirror, and touches her hair a bit as Sakura did her business. After she finished, and washing her hands, she says,

"I think...I'm gonna tell Sasuke..."

Ino leaning on the door, crossing her arms and looking at her through the reflection of the mirror, was waiting for her to say this for quite some time now. She never understood why she would hold certain things back from Sasuke when they've been friends for so long now. They should be able to tell each other anything, and everything, even if it was a hard subject.

"Oh?....Why the change of heart?"

Sighing, she says, "I just think...I want Sasuke to know before I tell Kashi. It wouldn't feel right to have him know last of all this fucked up stuff...not after he's been there for me in ways I haven't been able to repay him." Knowing exactly what she talking about, she comes up behind her, and gives her a light kiss to her cheek. 

"Okay. Good luck Saku. I'll step out after I help you lay down again."

Sakura spins around and gives her a big hug, making her whimper a bit from her sore muscles. "I love you Ino...and I'm so sorry...once again..".

"I love you too Saku." she carefully hugs her back. "Don't you things by yourself again. Especially when it's serious. You hear me?"

"I hear you."

Laying back in bed, Ino leans in one more time and whispers, "I'll be right outside." She nods and is left in the room with Sasuke. Feeling calm, and relaxed for once, she looks at him, his arms crossed sitting in the side chair, and calls him. 

Friend or lover? (Saku x Kashi x Sasu)Where stories live. Discover now