It's time- 2- Part 11

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The next morning, she decides to leave her bracelet on. She wasn't use to it, but she wanted to show that she really did appreciate his gift to her. As she's getting the last bit of breakfast down her throat, she hears a knock at the door. 

"Coming!" She rushes to the door to see her Kashi.

"Good morning, beautiful. You ready?" he asks looking at his watch.


As he drives her to work, he reaches over to touch her wrist and moves the bracelet around. "It looks perfect on you."

"So...why would you give me something like's rare..from what I looked up last night." she said kind of shyly.

" you did look it up! You weren't kidding. Ahh...well..I figured, it should belong to somebody who I, myself, never thought I'd meet in my life."

She blushes and looks out the window. It was so nerve wrecking when he said stuff like that. 'Who is this man...he says so this what they call a "sweet talker"?? God...I'm in trouble. I can't believe this is all for real. I know it's kind of late now to be freaking out about all of it considering I'm...I'm falling already....'  As they pull up to her work, she was still dazing outside the window. 

"Sa-ku-ra...wake up." Kakashi says as he shakes her arm a little, still linked to her hand.

"Oh. lost in thought. Thank every morning." she leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. She's about to get out...but he holds her hand, and keeps her for a second longer.

"May I pick you up earlier today instead of our 9 pm meeting?"

"Well, I kind of have plans with my friends on Fridays...and you're usually working."

"Well, I'm not today. Can you maybe just take off from them... this once?" giving her puppy eyes she's never seen. It was heart melting.

"Mmm...why don't you join us instead? I would love for you to be with me." she says as she rubs his hand.

"Uh. No. I wouldn't want to interrupt your get together. It's not my place. Please think about it..I took off today..and I really want you to be with me and through the weekend."

"Okay, I'll text you." she lets go of his warm hand and exists the car.

She starts her work as usual, the day went by pretty fast. During lunch, eating outside in their usual spot Sasuke tells her about tonight. "So, instead of doing our normal thing, I was hoping all three of us could play pool this time, or maybe even bowl. I saved up so we can splurge a little tonight." He sounded so up beat about it, she didn't want to burst his bubble. 'What do I say...I mean..he should understand it's just this one time. Uh...should I do this now, or...when we get off work...'. A faint.."Sakura...Sakura..." was coming from the background. She finally woke up from her daze and looked straight up at Sasuke with a mouth full of rice. "Did you hear me? You're zoned out today. Anything happen?" he asks.
"Oh, yeah...sorry. I did hear you..It sounds like fun, it's just you think I could take a rain check...just for today?" she asks with a smile.

"A rain check? Since when do we say that.." he says bothered. He suddenly notices she still wearing the bracelet, and it clicks. "Do you have plans with him?"

"It's just for today. I promise it won't be like this all the time."

"Yeah, sure. Then it's gonna be every other Friday, then maybe some of your week days too. You're falling for it...for him. Wake up Sakura. Don't you know what kind of guy he is? Don't you think he could get anyone by buying them off?" He stops after he said that last part. "I didn't mean...-"

"Yeah, you kind of did. You think I'm a stupid, no brain girl who is being bought off."

"I didn't say that. seem to like everything so far." He couldn't hold back anything right now. Just her cancelling on a day that was suppose to be their night really angered him.

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