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I changed again, after my shower. Back into Yoongi's jeans and the t-shirt I slept in last night. I had initially tried to hurry so that I could write Hoseok that list but he had been too impatient to wait for me to finish and made me yell out all of my sizes instead, and my favorite colours. He would do the shopping for me apparently. I'm just praying to god he keeps it simple and mostly covered.

Letting my hair air dry I sat in my room, looking out the big window just imagining the lives of the people walking by in the streets surrounding us. I was lost in thought letting my mind fly past the topics of the guys' interest and how I had just let two of them finger me on top of a building. Of course not all had shown interest the way Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok had. But Jin had held my hand, Jimin had thrown himself into my lap. Never before in my life had I felt this popular around the opposite sex. I was with Demian for so long and he didn't even once look at me the way Jungkook had in the sofa on the rooftop.

(whole conversation in native language, - is Anna * is me)

- So let me recap to see if i got this right. You messed around with Suga and Jungkook, Jin's being papa bear, and Hoseok and Jungkook literally made you cum on a rooftop?

*It sounds so crude when you put it like that but yeah i guess that's one way to put it. I don't know what's going on, you know i'm not used to this kind of attention, remember when I first med Damien and I literally had to beg him to go out with me before he even looked at me twice?

-Oh baby you're a total looker, you've just got confidence the size of an ant. So i don't question why they all want you, and when i'm thinking about it I'm not questioning why you want them either. I say go for it, they're hot, they're single and they're interested in you. You're stuck there anyway, might as well have some fun. I'll call you later.

My best friend cut right to it. No cushioning needed. If she meant something, she said it, and usually she meant the complete opposite of what I meant, which made us a great combination when we needed a different outlook on something but not the best whenever we just wanted someone to agree with us. She did in this situation however make me feel a little less guilty about the whole situation. She let the phone call end there, she was at work and only called because I had asked her opinion on this matter. Once finished, she dipped. Just like she usually does.


Jin visited my room not long after I'd gotten changed, he didn't seem to want anything specific, he just wanted to keep me company. He started off in the armchair across from my bed, but as the conversation progressed and he wanted to show me something on his phone he came over to the bed and stayed there, his body only inches away from mine.

I was very aware of his closeness. How could I not be? The perfect example of great DNA was right next to me, leaning my way to show me pictures of views and videos of cats. I was also very in tune with my lower region as of late. It was almost like being around these men made my hormones go loco and crank up to 12 as a change from the normal 1,5 that I've gotten so comfortable with over the years.

We sat silently watching a compilation of children getting dogs and cats for Christmas on YouTube, the only sounds between us being our "awws" and gasps whenever something cute happened. I also almost teared up once but let's try to forget that. When the door to my bedroom suddenly shot open, revealing two tall men with blinding smiles plastered on their faces and what looked like a million shopping bags in their arms. They stopped for a minute in the doorway just looking at Jin and I who automatically shuffled away from each other in the shock of the door opening. Feeling as if an intimate moment had ended abruptly even though the only thing happening had been cat videos and Christmas gifts.

"Hi Mar......" He paused for a second too long and started again. "Did we interrupt something? We can leave and come back later of you want.."

"No it's fine are those my clothes?" I cut him off and got up walking towards them. Not really sure why but feeling slightly awkward.

"Yes" Taehyung sang from Hoseok's side. "I know we said we would get you basics, but shopping for a girl is so much fun and it's been so long since we walked around unbothered like that shopping so we both went kinda overboard. I think you have enough to not have to wear the same thing twice this entire quarantine" They sat the bags down on my bed, I didn't really know how to react to the sight in front of me, so when Hoseok stood next to me and pulled my body to his side with an arm around my waist I welcomed it. I could see a smirk forming on his lips but tried not to think much of it.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"We both got tops and bottoms, but Hoseok was on underwear duty so if anything is the wrong size there you know who to blame" Taehyung got in between me and Hoseok and laid his arm around my shoulders.

"We figured I was the one with the biggest chance of getting It right. But I had to ask Jungkook to be completely sure"

"J-Jungkook? Why did you ask him? Why not ask me?" I was confused, looking up to the two men next to me.

"It's a talent" I heard from behind me as someones body suddenly pressed against my back and I could feel a head rest on top of mine. "I can look at you and know your sizes just like that. I don't really know why or how but I'm pretty sure I got you right. We'll see." I could hear jungkook's smirk in his voice without looking at him, his left arm snaked around my waist and I could see his right arm appearing around Taehyung's waist next to me.

Taehyung wiggled free, took my hand and spun me around in his arms pushing my back to his chest as I looked at the three other men in the room.

"Now leave please, she needs to find something else to wear than Yoongi's pants." He said and waved the other guys out of the room. He kept a hold of me until everyone was out of my room, my face had gotten so red I sincerely hoped he would just let me keep his back to him to not show my flustered face.

He let go of me and walked over to the bed, making a small space next to the bags and sat down.

"Are you not leaving?" I asked carefully.

"Of course not! Someone needs to be here to tell you what looks good and not!" He grinned from ear to ear and leaned back in my bed inviting me to join him going through the clothes. I stepped towards him slowly, unsure but intrigued. 

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now