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"Hot" was all jungkook said. A smirk forming on his face.

I could feel my cheeks burning, I had a slight familiarity with the boys I was residing with at the moment from the countless videos i had watched in the past year. So every and any interaction still had that unfamiliar feeling to it as if it was happening through a screen still. But this moment broke through it. I could still feel my heart beating through my ribs after my heated session with Yoongi, and looking at Jungkook and Jimin giving me hungry looks from the doorway didn't help.

"Yes she is" Yoongi chimed in and gave me a smirk, resting his arm around my waist.

I looked away and the silence in the room was deafening. I grabbed my glass of water and nodded to the boys as I squeezed out of the kitchen to go back to my glass of wine in the living room. After a big sip of the liquid courage I dived my attention to my phone.

As if on cue while texting my best friend back home, a call popped up on my screen and she was calling me.

-"Yeah hello"

I spoke in my native tounge, a scandinavic language.

-"Mari? Are you seriously in Korea right now? I literally thought you were joking when you told me last week!"

My best friend was a dramaqueen and mostly only listened to every detail when it was about her. I had told her prior to leaving that i was indeed leaving. But in hind sight that was the same day as I was drunk-crying on her sofa, right after leaving my apartment and Damien once and for all. So i could see how she might have zoned out of some of my renderings.

-"You need to pay more attention to what I tell you Anna"

I giggled into the phone, her familiar voice calming me down and bringing me joy instantly. It had not been long since I saw her but I realised now that I did miss her already.

-"I know I know, but hey atleast now I'm paying attention! How's Jiwoo?"

I stopped to think how to answer that.

-"Showing signs of infection apparently. I havent spoken to her yet. I'm quarantined in her brother's house."

I could hear a squeal from the other end of the line.

-"You're fucking kidding. You're quarantined with Hoseok? The rapper? Mr. "I couldn't walk properly for a couple of days"" Hoseok?

I sighed and closed my eyes, regretting the day I told Anna about my one night stand with Hoseok last year. When I opened my eyes again, ready to speak, i suddenly felt shy as not only Yoongi walked into the room but also Jungkook and Jimin, with a glass of wine each. They sat down in the sofas around me, Yoongi in the seat next to mine.


Before I could hang up I heard "Wait Mari what the-" and then the line went silent. I looked up meeting three sets of eyes just staring at me. I got very shy and took another sip of my wine.

"Hot" Jungkook muttered again. I looked at him, a shy smile escaping my lips.

We sat in silence for a minute or two before Jimin coughed and started talking about how he couldn't sleep. The subject immediately got lighter and the tension lifted. I was hyperaware of Yoongi next to me, and also blushing at Jungkook's constant stares. It didn't matter who was talking, he was always looking at me, and whenever I turned to check if he was still looking at me, he caught my eyes and i looked away, embarrassed.

Time was passing quickly once the topics of conversation got interesting. We apparently had a lot in common. I was warming up to them and starting to see them less as the people i used to see on my computer and more as people.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now