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 "You can't be serious" I sighed as I looked through bag after bag of what seemed to be tight fitting, skin showing clothes. The underwear was on a different level, straps and lace and leather and mesh. But not just the underwear, there were corsets disguised as tops, the big sweaters had low V necks other than like two actual high necked shirts but they were also, you guessed it, skin tight.

"Don't judge it before you've tried it on. I'm pretty sure we got the fits spot on!"

"It's 50% underwear!"

"I do see that yes, but you can always put a shirt over it you know"

I rolled my eyes, grabbed a couple of pieces and escaped into the bathroom to try some on.

Starting with the weirdest bra I had seen in my life, I think I spent five minutes just figuring out how it worked. But once I had gotten it on I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I saw myself in the mirror. "You've got to be kidding me!" I called out and I immediately heard knocking on my bathroom door, but I didn't open. Instead I pulled out my phone, put on a robe that was hanging in the bathroom and texted Hoseok.

I waited for a response but it didn't look like I was getting one so I put my phone on the counter and got out of the robe ready to switch out of this boob cage

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I waited for a response but it didn't look like I was getting one so I put my phone on the counter and got out of the robe ready to switch out of this boob cage.

As I was fumbling with the clasp on the back my phone started buzzing uncontrollably and I grabbed it to see what was going on.

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I stared at the messages until I actually managed to understand them. When I did I heard two voices outside the bathroom and then a door slamming. As quickly as I could I grabbed Jungkook's big sweater again and draped it over my body making it almost a dress on me before I slowly unlocked the bathroom door to see what was happening. Peaking through it looked as if the room was empty so I walked out looking around, almost screaming when I turned back towards the door and saw Hoseok leaning against the back of it, a smug smile taking home on his face.

I stepped back giving him a stern look.

"You need to get me proper underwear" I said, trying to seem strict. Not sure if it was working because the smile on his face wasn't going anywhere.

"That was proper underwear. It's intention is to be under.." He said, calm as ever.

"Under what exactly? Cause this sure as hell is visible under every..... "

He leaped towards me and in one swift move my legs were no longer connected to the floor and my entire body weight was resting on his arm.

"Under me of course"

My breath caught in my throat and I stuttered. Instead of coughing though, I started laughing. He looked at me as if I was crazy and dropped me on top of my bed after shoving all the bags off the side.

"Why are you laughing? I was so smooth and I was expecting something completely different, and here you are laughing me in the face."

I forced my giggle to stop and turned to look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah you were really smooth, I just stood there kinda pissed off and it literally took you four words to make me forget it and solely think with my vagina and it's so hilarious to me because I don't understand how ya'll are doing this to me" I laughed again, this time a little louder as I realised I'd just told him he'd made me horny and then I'd laughed at it. I wiggled out of his grasp and sat up on the bed, trying to make some distance between us to manage to pull my sweater off of my body.

Just as I'd gotten it off and felt like I had the confidence to conquer the world I saw hoseok towering over me from the side, his eyes filled with lust as they scanned my body. It was as if the giggles from 30 seconds ago were in the far distance and I could feel heat start to pool into my lower belly just from how he was looking at me.

Right before he put his hands on me though, the door started thundering and I could hear more than one person shouting from the other side of it. The door handle rapidly moving on our side of the door.

It scared the hell out of me and I quickly got into the big sweater again and scanned through the bags of clothes before finding a pair of tights I had seen there earlier.

"Why are they shouting?" I yelled at Hoseok who was just sitting still on my bed pretending not to notice.

"I miiiight have left my phone open on the coffee table in a rush to get here, They probably just caught on as to why I ran away from there." 



Hello, i'm back! At least i'm pretty sure I am. With a new joy in writing after getting some well needed rest. I will be posting randomly as in whenever i finish a chapter it will be posted for the remainder of a year and then i think we'll make a post routine for next year! I've got a bunch of ideas and also I've started another book that I won't post until i have a bunch of chapters ready so as to not end up with as big of a break as i've had to take on this one. 

Feedback is always welcomed, and don't forget to like and save my story if you enjoy it. Any form of interaction is appreciated!

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