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My phone was ringing. I gave Jungkook an apologetic smile and separated myself from him with a heavy heart as I walked over to see who was calling. It was my mom, I couldn't be bothered to hear once again today how I should be on my way home, so I let it go to voicemail. But the second I did, Jungkook's phone rang and he immediately got up and left the room taking the call. I sat down with my phone, taking the final sip of my wine, trying to calm down my internal screaming related to my external hornyness.

Three minutes later Jungkook came back, his face back to an awkward half smile almost looking apologetic.

"I've got some bad news" he stuttered, not sitting down but standing right next to where I was sat, looking down to me.

"The laundry man sat your clothes and your bags outside the apartment building and turned around to call to announce he was here. Then someone took everything and ran. He couldn't catch them so your bags are lost."

He said it in one breath and didn't meet my eyes after he finished. I didn't really know how to react but I smiled.

I grabbed my phone and texted Jiwoo asking if she had clothes that fit me. It was already midnight I noticed so she probably wouldn't answer.

"I asked Jiwoo for clothes. Problem will probably be fixed tomorrow" I said calmly and smiled again, not sure why my main priority was to stop this man from frowning.

I got up from the sofa. "Jungkook" I said and walked towards him. "Hmm" he whispered, I was inches away from his face again.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" I giggled and made some distance between us again. He sighed and closed his eyes for a second.

"Sure, follow me" he said and spun around exiting the room. I did as told and we walked down the hallway, walking past my door and continuing to the end. He opened a door and we walked into a closet, clothes decorated every wall and in the middle was a big sofa that looked like it could swallow you whole.

I looked around in awe.

"Take whatever you want, it's not like you'll run away with it anyway" he said and chuckled, sitting down on the sofa. I walked around letting my hand brush through all the fabrics.

I picked up a pair of jeans, he was bigger than yoongi, the jeans would probably be too big for me. I mean a belt could fix that but I looked to my right seeing a bunch of huge shirts and got a different idea. Picking out a big white silk shirt I held it up to myself measuring length. It reached below my knees so I smiled and turned around.

"This will do!" I said, happy the bra I had was white. He looked puzzled. "Just a shirt?"

"It'll be a dress on me. Now I also need" I muttered and walked over to the tshirts, grabbing a random black one. "This, aaand, where's your underwear?" I asked looking at him again. He wanted to ask questions but he didn't. He just pointed to a set of drawers in the right hand corner of the room. I walked over and opened up the top drawer seeing black and white boxers laying neatly folded on each side of the drawer. I grabbed one of each.

"Thank you, that was all" I said and grinned at him walking out of his closet. "Goodnight" I called as I walked down the hallway and went straight Into my own room.

After washing up I put on Jungkook's tshirt and the black boxers, they fit a little loose but they wouldn't fall off so I was pleased. His shirt was huge on me though so I don't think it would show if I decided to not wear underwear under it anyway.

I got into the comfy bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Not dreaming anything worth remembering but waking up several hours later fully rested.

I sat up to check my phone, finding messages from Jiwoo.

"Yeah but my clothes would have to be disinfected. Tell Hoseok to buy you clothes. He can afford it. Tell him I said he had to" I rolled my eyes at the message. Of course I wasn't about to tell Hoseok to buy me clothes. I could buy my own clothes. Might have to raid Jungkook's closet once more though, I would have to ask him again later.

I got out of bed and looked myself over in the big floorlength mirror on the wall. I looked cute in the oversized t-shirt I'd adopted as a pajama, but my hair looked like a birds nest and I quickly walked away from the mirror trying not to think about what I looked like. I stripped and got in the shower, the warm water calming me and waking me up all at the same time, making for a comfortable start of the day.

I got to thinking about how I had almost been intimate with not just one but two of the people in this house last night. Feeling somewhat ashamed about being so easy to seduce but also kind of excited by the thought. The idea that I peaked the interest of several members of this group of men excited me more than I thought it would. I kept thinking about how good Yoongis lips felt on my skin, how Jungkook's hands knew exactly where to caress to make me crazy. Just the thought brought heat to my cheeks and a pulsating sensation in my crotch. I let my hand travel down, closing my eyes, completely lost in my own mind. Taking in the sensation of my own caresses while thinking about how the men touched me last night. My breath hitched as I hit the sensitive spot and I slowly let it build as I massaged myself. Soon enough I was leaning to the wall, panting, nearing a highly anticipated orgasm.

Then I heard knocks on the bathroom door, loud bangs, someone was impatient and not accepting not getting an answer. I sighed, once again not being able to finish, this is a torture house, i'm convinced of it. I stepped out of the shower quickly and wrapped a towel around my body before opening the door, finding a smiling Hoseok on the other side.

"Breakfast is ready" He cheered. "So get dressed quickly please, we like to eat together"

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now