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Mari's POV

I woke up to sunlight piercing through the uncovered window, hitting my eyes like a nuclear explosion. I closed my eyes and stretched my body trying to wake myself up, feeling like every joint in my body had been sitting still for way too long and needed oiling to function properly again.

"Nope, it's not morning yet" Jin mumbled from beside me as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I welcomed the closeness and snuggled into him, taking in his scent and listening as his breaths rose and fell from his chest. I giggled softly into his chest and let myself fall asleep once more. Were all these boys cuddlers in the morning?


The next time I woke up I was alone in the bed. Before I opened my eyes I felt around for Jin's body but he was nowhere. When I opened them however, I saw him standing by the bathroom door, smiling at me. He was breathtaking. Standing there in nothing but a pair of boxers I could see every slender though defined muscle on his long body. His hair was pulled back from his face and it was slightly damp, droplets of water from what had probably been him just washing his face had landed on his chest making it almost glisten in the sun. I sat up and patted the space next to me on the bed. "I missed your warmth" I said and tried to make my cutest smile, hoping he'd think I was cute enough to not talk about last night.

He walked over to the bed and sat down, but instead of sitting next to me he pulled me to him, facing him between his legs.

"I think I'm owed an explanation" He said, his smile remaining on his face but the seriousness in his eyes was unmistakeable. I had to talk.

I couldn't look at him in fear of breaking down crying just out of vulnerability so I looked down, focusing on my hands picking on each other as a distraction. I hated this part. I tried halfheartedly to misunderstand on purpose.

"I'm sorry you had to sleep with me. I don't know what came over me last...."

"I know what came over you, but that's not what I'm talking about." He was stern.

"Who was the guy on the phone? Why are you scared of him?"

I took a deep breath. He lifted his hand to rest under my chin and slowly pulled my face up to look at him. His eyes were warm, his smile steady and his breath calm. I knew he was safe. I didn't know him well enough to drop to this conclusion but yet I had. I could trust him.

"He's my ex" I said quietly and held my breath until I continued.

"We dated for a while. In the beginning it was good, he was nice, handsome, took into account what I liked and rearranged his life to fit mine. I was happy. But then we moved in together and it was as if a switch flipped. He started getting jealous and suspicious of anything, not letting me hang out with friends, checking my phone while I was sleeping. He was keeping tabs with my parents just in case I lied about visiting them when he wasn't with me. "

Jin was still looking straight into my eyes, keeping my gaze as his hands had moved to mine, entwining ours and tracing small comforting circles on my hands with his thumbs. He nodded for me to continue.

"He got these outbursts." I gathered my thoughts.

"He was never directly violent. Not physically anyway. He got very angry at times, made me feel worthless but also made me feel like he was the only person who would ever see any worth in me. He used to trap me in the apartment by locking doors in the beginning. I would say I was going to the store and he'd get mad because I would be around men without his consent, and he could lock the door and pocket the key. He had doors that needed keys on both sides installed in every room in the apartment and only he had the keys."

Jin sighed this time, I couldn't bare to look at him so I closed my eyes as I could feel a tear fall down my face and onto our hands resting in my lap.

"My mother got the impression that I'd found myself the perfect man. He kept me safe, he loved me in public. He made sacrifices for me and he even made an effort to get to know her. Perfect right?" I scoffed. The tears now falling down like a waterfall, but I couldn't handle the thought of unlinking our hands to brush them away so I let it be.

"When the pandemic hit and I had to work as well as live in that apartment 24 hours of the day, it didn't take long for me to realise that I needed to get out. The first time I tried I left in the middle of the night. Got a room at a hotel across town from the apartment. I hadn't told anyone I had run away from him, so when Damien called my best friend asking for the name of my first childhood pet, she didn't bat an eye and told him the answer to my phone tracking security question. He found me the next day."

"At the hotel was where I began confiding in Jiwoo. She was in a different time zone so she was someone to talk to when everyone else was sleeping. She always knows the right things to say and she never fails to bring a smile to my face. Much like her brother in that regard." I opened my eyes again and smiled at the thought of Hoseok and his radiating happiness.

"The second time I left Damien I crashed at my friend's house after a terrifying fight at the apartment. Lots of insults were thrown And I felt powerless. I had told him I wanted to break up and he didn't believe me. I called Jiwoo and she told me she had room if I wanted to make some real distance between me and him. As you can see I took her up on that offer. Booked a ticket that same night, left two days after."

I somehow felt like I was out of breath, but having gotten it all out of my head made my entire body feel lighter. Jin was still looking at me. I couldn't read the emotion in his eyes.

He pulled me to him, his long arms wrapping around me like a blanket as he kissed my forehead and leaned us both back on the bed making me lay on top of him.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" I looked up at him once more, trying to puzzle together what his expression meant.

"I am." He said

"But not right now" He brushed away the tears on my face and kissed my lips softly. 


Authors note!

Remember i like comments :) alot :)

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