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"I've been quarantined due to a lady at work getting the virus. Hoseok will pick you up,"

Well, fuck.

I put my phone back in my bag, too stressed out by the message to answer it right away. Hoseok was Jiwoo's brother. I knew him slightly, but not enough to call us friends. Him and Jiwoo had visited once when they were in Europe on tour, Jiwoo had joined solely to be able to hang with me for a week last year, and he had come along to almost everything we did because he was the protective kind of brother who thought his fans would murder his sister if they found her alone on the street. Your normal type of obsessive younger brother I think we can say.

Hoseok is a celebrity. I hadn't heard about him before meeting Jiwoo, and even a while into our friendship she still didn't tell me about the family pride and joy. But when the subject did appear, we realised I had no idea who he or his band were, anyway. That had changed, though. In the past year I had spent hour upon hour listening to their music and watching their music videos.

The second flight was even better than the first. Food was amazing, I slept so well and the movies available were great. I was surprised when we were notified we would be landing soon. And my nerves hit, realising Hoseok was driving me to Jiwoo. I picked up my suitcase, straightened the bag on my shoulder and walked out after the passport check. Somehow my ticket also included a priority pass so everything went so quickly and a man had followed me through it all speaking perfect English. Wow, Korean People were so friendly I thought.

It took me two seconds to find a sign with Mari Sun written on it. Not surprising seeing as all the other signs were written in Hangul.

Had I not known Hobi was picking me up, I never would have guessed it was him standing there holding the sign. Black mask and a bucket hat covering the entirety of his face, had I been a centimeter taller I wouldn't have been able to see his eyes at all. Baggy brown cargo pants and a huge hoodie reaching his knees decorated his body that was probably in there somewhere, drowning in the oversized outfit.

I closed my eyes for a second. Counted internally to three before I started walking towards him. Faking a smile until I realised he literally couldn't see anything but my eyes either. He shifted his stance as he saw me walking towards him, and I could see in his eyes that he was smiling at me too.

"Welcome to Seoul" he cheered enthusiastically as he grabbed my suitcase and immediately turned around walking out the building. I walked quickly aside him. "Thanks. Are we in a hurry?" I asked, now practically jogging next to the taller man who was taking longer steps making it difficult to follow his tempo. "I'll explain in the car" he said simply, pointing to a waiting car right outside the door as we exited the airport.

Opening the back door of the car for me, he ran to the back to put my case in the trunk while I got into my seat. He came back to my side, closed the door and got into the passenger seat before me. That was when I realised someone else was driving the car. This person also hiding his face as well as hoseok was. And with him sitting by the wheel I didn't have a chance to see who it was.

Sitting in the back I could hear them discuss directions in korean. I could understand what they were saying, my grandma was born and raised here so she saw to it that both my dad when he was young and me growing up, learnt enough korean to get by. I'm not a very confident speaker however, but I do understand most of what people say around me.

Zoning out looking out the window admiring the buildings and roads I jumped when I heard my name come from the strangers seat.

"Hi Mari" he said, making eyecontact with me in the mirror, his eyes wrinkled in a smile.

"Hello" I responded awkwardly, returning the eyesmile, not really sure what else to do in this situation.

"It's been a while" Hoseok said from the passenger seat, turning around. They were both speaking english to me, which means Jiwoo never told them I understood Korean, but I didn't see a reason to bring it up. English was a more comfortable language for me anyway.

Before any of us got to say anything else the driver's phone rang and they answered it on the speakerphone. On the other end of the line was an angry man, shouting at them for leaving the house. Hobi hung up without answering him.

"Jiwoo's in quarantine for two weeks and so are you, but you can't be in quarantine together because she started a day before you and she is showing flu symptoms, so we had to make different arrangements for the next two weeks" I looked at hoseok in shock, not really sure what he was telling me.

We drove in silence for another five minutes before the car ducked into a parking garage underneath a huge building. Security checked the car in to a numbered spot and we all got out. Hobi got my suitcase out of the car and refused to let me carry it. I didn't want to get to close to him with the distance regulations so I didn't argue with him.

Also keeping his distance was the driver, who waved at me from like five meters away as he dragged his mask down to his chin. Showing off a pretty boxy smile I realised it was V, one of Hoseok's bandmates. He was incredibly good looking, even now dressed to hide his identity. Hoseok was standing a little closer to me than V, he smiled as well. "This is Taehyung, he's one of the members of bts, my group" I smiled and nodded at him.

"You're gonna stay with us for the next two weeks so don't worry if you don't learn the names right away. We've got time"

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now