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I have to admit I wasn't one hundred percent sure what I was doing, but I'll proudly blame my not thinking this through on the arousal sitting in the front of my mind taking up almost every single thought in my head. Jimin was sat next to me with a very apparent erection poking into the crotch of his pants, obviously uncomfortable and god would I love to ease his discomfort. But this wasn't the time.

Taehyung was in the Kitchen getting shot glasses and Jin was sorting through their game cabinet trying to find the game I had requested.

I was horny, there wasn't a question about it. And there was also little to no doubt that if I needed to get off, I could rely on the men surrounding me to get the job done. But I wouldn't go as far as to just ask for it straight out, and I also kinda wanted to find out how close the men in this house actually were without asking directly.

"I need to pee before we start" I excused myself and got up to run to my bedroom.

The moment I closed the door I threw my clothes off and dug through my closet to find what I was looking for.

I pulled out a floral almost see-through bodice lingerie piece that was part of the large collection of less decent undergarments Hobi had been in charge of buying. To an extent I actually liked this one more than I thought I would, and I had thought about wearing it to surprise one of the boys one day when someone inevitably takes my clothes off again. They obviously enjoyed lingerie, and I guess I did as well.

Carefully stepping into it and pulling it up my body I looked in the mirror and felt confident and beautiful. Just the feeling I was chasing. I pulled a black simple t-shirt dress of its hanger and threw it over before as quickly as I entered, I exited my bedroom.

"Oh shit she changed, is this a stripping game? Do I need to go get more layers?" Jungkook asked seeming genuinely concerned he wasn't dressed for the activity.

"Don't worry about it, sit down" I said and sat down on my knees on my spot next to Jimin happy with the eight shot glasses and deck of uno-cards gathered on the table in the middle.

I couldn't help but laugh as I saw they had BTS-uno cards. This is not a normal group of boys and I sometimes forget that.

I told everyone the rules. Regular Uno, but every special card also meant a shot of alcohol or a dare, and the loser of each round had to take off a piece of clothing. Shuffling the cards through my hands I realised they all had their pictures.

"Oh and if the loser has a card with your face on it in their hands, you also lose an item of clothing. If you don't have more clothes to take off, you do a dare or a shot." I added right before handing out the cards, earning some complaints from the men surrounding me.

"How is that fair? Your face isn't on the cards!" Taehyung whined.

"But I am only wearing two items of clothing. And one of them is see through" I winked and received several happy grins and nods making butterflies breakdance in my stomach.

"Okay let's play"

First winner of round one, Jimin. He was so pleased with himself and celebrated with a dance while making himself another drink. I was second one out of cards and leaned back sharing Jimin's drink with him while we watched the guys in heated discussions about who's turn it was and what was legal or not.

Jungkook had gotten three special cards in a row from Jin on his left and uttered a concern about becoming too drunk too fast from the amount of shots he had to drink.

"You could always do a dare instead" I muttered, comfortably resting in the nook of Jimin's arm with my legs over his lap leaning our drink on my knees. I was hoping the dares would be a tasteful twist to the game as I knew myself to get more and more careless the more drunk I got, and maybe I'd get to experience some new sides of them.

Jungkook agreed to taking a dare and of course I was the one to give it to him. Excited and a little scared to potentially hit a nerve I sat up a little bit straighter just to keep my eyes on everyone and maybe catch their reactions.

"I dare you to kiss Jimin!" I said and smirked looking between them. I heard Namjoon's low chuckle, but couldn't tear my eyes away from the two men. Jungkook shook his head but a smile was placed firmly on his lips as he got up on his knees and towered over both me and Jimin on the floor, his eyes never leaving Jimin's gaze.

I tried to move away to give them space but Jimin held me tightly to his side as the hand previously resting on my thigh moved up to cup Jungkook's chin and bring his face down to meet his in a kiss.

I had first row tickets to what seemed to be a familiar kiss full of passion and adoration.

I'd seen people kiss before, but never like this. Not only have I never been this close to two mouths in the act without mine being one of them. They were literally making out only centimetres from my face. But I also hadn't seen any kiss done this publicly that wasn't awkward or attempted made into a joke. This seemed natural, comfortable and almost expected.

I thought I was getting answers to a big question, but when I looked at them it was as if I always kinda knew. This wasn't new or a big deal, it just made sense.

What didn't make sense though was how freaking aroused I got from the show in front of me. And it didn't help when Jungkook kept the kiss with Jimin while scooting even closer to wrap an arm around me, his fingers resting on my stomach as he pulled both me and Jimin closer to him.

I was third wheeling like a professional, but somehow I didn't care. I would happily just stay here, watch the show, and help myself to some me time later if that's what was necessary for this to not stop.

Jin pulling Jungkook away from us was what was needed for us to come back to reality, and the whiny moan that came from Jungkook as the kiss broke had my heart beating even faster.

"I think she liked that" Taehyung spoke up and I could feel his stare as I hid my face in Jimin's shirt.

"Pretty sure we all liked that" Namjoon muttered from his side as he eyed Taehyung's obvious erection and looked down to his own lap where he had had the same reaction to the scene before him.

I was sure if I were to check I would be equally aroused from what just happened, how could I not be after that?

"Game's not over guys, I'm not losing this." Hoseok chanted as he threw down another card and got everyone into game mode once more.

It was entertaining to watch as they battled it out to find out who were going to have to get undressed, and after seven more shots and about 15 minutes of playing, Jungkook was left with four cards in his hands. He looked beyond happy about his loss.

Beginning to unbutton his shirt he started talking through the cheers from his undressing.

"After that kiss earlier it had me thinking, "how can I get Jimin naked as quickly as possible"" He started. And everyone went silent wanting to hear what he would say.

"So this one's for you Jiminsshi" He laughed and threw down on the table four cards with Jimin's face on them. "I might have to take off my shirt, but you have to take off four pieces of clothing!"

Proud of himself he threw his shirt to the side revealing his muscular torso and tattooed arm as he sat down and pulled me from Jimin's lap and into his own, knotting his arms around me to secure me in place after nodding for Jimin to begin undressing.



Hi, uhm I'm not sure how this has happened but i completely missed this story hitting 10k. I swear the last time i checked we were at 8k and now we're at 12k what the frick?

Thank you thank you thank you I am so thankful that you've taken the time out of your life to read what i've written and it's so much fun to read all of your comments throughout the story! 

Stay safe and hug the people you're allowed to hug <3

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now