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I talked to my grandma and my dad for a bit that morning and once my grandma started asking the boys to marry me and give me a good life in Korea I pretended something had come up and hung up. They didn't make any fun afterwards and I made sure to change the topic as soon as I closed the laptop.

I spent the afternoon sorting out my stuff and just sitting in my bedroom relaxing. I hadn't really done much of that since I got here and I needed to take a breather. Jin came in at some point with a tray of fruits in different shapes. Said he wanted to make sure I had something to snack on. That was nice. He was nice.

Right around 5pm Hobi knocked on my door and peeked in at me. When I smiled he opened the door more and walked in properly. "Let's go outside" He said and gave me that bright grin that won me over every time I saw it.

"You know I can't go outside Hoseok. I'm quarantined remember?"

"Yes, but come!" He breathed and reached his hand out for me. I didn't take it but I sighed and got out of the comfortable chair and nodded, signalling that I would follow.

He practically ran through the apartment and out the door. I hesitated but followed. Through a door was a set of stairs going upwards, and completely out of breath from running up those stairs we walked out on a rooftop balcony.

It was a beautiful area, flower beds all around the edges, pots of plants scattered around, a couple of small trees, and a big seating section with a large sofa, some bean bags and a large round table connecting them all.

Hoseok walked over to the sofa and laid down, a pleased smile residing on his lips.

"This is so pretty" I chanted in awe, walking around taking in the view.

"I know I am, thanks" he muttered from the sofa and I turned around to show him I was rolling my eyes. I sat down in the sofa next to where he was spread out and just took in the sights, still not over this treasure on top of the building.

"Your sister is prettier" I grinned.

"We both know you don't think that"

I turned to face him, knowing where he was going with the conversation but trying to seem innocent. The face that met me had changed from the happy self pleased one I had looked at earlier to a teasing smirk and burning eyes looking straight at me. Two could play this game.

"What ever do you mean? Your sister is a goddess"

Before he had time to comment further I continued.

"Your sister however is sadly straight and you look like her and swung my way so I mean a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do" I laughed, studying his face as I said it.

He sat up straight and inched closer to me. I kept silent, trying to figure out what his move was. It wasn't new to me that the guys in this house were looking for closeness at this point, but that they all shamelessly tried it on the same girl kinda surprised me. He had now turned his body towards mine, his head resting on my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my ear and it made every nerve on my body alert. I tried to keep my breath controlled to not give away how much i was suddenly struggling to keep my hands to myself.

"So you're saying you only fucked me-" he got even closer.

"To get closer to my sister?"

His lips traveled down the edge of my ear, sending shivers down my spine as I immediately closed my eyes in surprise. I let out a sigh. He snickered, his laugh raspy and low. His hands were on my thigh and around my waist and as he pulled my body just a bit closer to his, I stretched my neck to the side without thinking, giving him more access. Suddenly craving his lips on my skin again. I had forgotten how to speak at this point, his breath the only sound existing in this world and my thoughts completely taken over by lust. It didn't exactly help that I had been turned on several times in the past days without ever getting a finish. I was also starved.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now