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They handled it better than I did to say it plainly. I was a stuttering mess with tears streaming down my face and I think I somewhere along the line lost the ability to draw my breath normally and now I just sounded like a donkey whenever I tried to calm my rapid heart beat with a deep breath. Looking at the pity and sadness in their eyes when I told them my story hurt almost worse than it did to actually live through it.

The men in front of me looked at me for the first time as if I was fragile. Like I would break if they stared too hard. I hated it. I hated feeling weak, I hated knowing I couldn't control my emotions. And I hated that I hadn't been strong enough to stop what was happening to me before it got as bad as it did, and now it had become a story people would pity me for.

And I hated how I knew people would always give me those eyes. The "I'm sorry you went through that, I'm not saying I know how it feels but I sympathise" -eyes. When all I wanted was someone to tell me how brave it was of me to get out.

Instead of hugging me saying they're sorry I want someone to hug me and say "Good job removing yourself from that" Because I did. I got away from it. And even though I am still terrified that I could end up in a situation where Damien gets his hands on me and keeps an even stronger grasp this time. I take pride in the fact that I managed to get up and walk out. And thus far, I haven't had anyone notice or point out that part of the story.

I wasn't going to say all that to the guys though. Who was I kidding, I was here for what? Another week and a couple days and then I'd be gone? And when I'm not quarantined anymore they'll probably find me uninteresting and boring, leave me where I've been supposed to be all along, with Jiwoo, and we all live happily ever after. Separate. I can't see how this story would unfold any differently from that, but I'm not going to think about that before we get to it. I will enjoy myself while I'm here and then maybe I'll stop and regret it one day in a couple of years.

After spilling my heart out to the seven men around me I was suddenly wrapped up in arms. So many arms I don't think I could count if I tried. The warmth of their bodies radiating onto mine as they comforted me without a single word being spoken. Comfortable.

Jungkook was the first to get up from the hug as he stood and connected his phone to the speakers in the corner of the living room.

"I think we need to let loose a little. Have some fun." He said as a slow beat started playing on the sound system. The rest of the guys also got up from around me, everyone but Jimin. He stayed by my side and I closed my eyes as his hand caressed my cheek before he softly pecked my lips, just brushing his lips over mine leaving the touch feeling like a slight tingle. It was enough to make butterflies appear in my stomach as he took my hand in his and caressed my palm.

"Would you like a drink Princess?" He asked and I opened my eyes at the nickname, the unfamiliarity making me blush. I liked it.

I nodded and he pulled me up and walked me to the kitchen where we were met by Hoseok and Taehyung already mixing drinks as they leaned against each other giggling randomly.

Jimin mixed me a drink, I wasn't completely sure what it was or what was in it as I was distracted by Hoseok and Taehyung pulling me into conversation once they saw we were there. It was sweet and it didn't have too much of an alcoholic aftertaste so I had no problem drinking whatever it was.

Taehyung and I made our way back into the living room to find Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin dancing in front of the TV. No attention paid to anyone but each other they didn't notice us entering the room and I sat down in the sofa sipping my drink watching Taehyung sneak up on them only to wrap Jin in a hug before swaying along with the music with arms wrapped around his waist. Jin leaned back resting his body into Taehyung's and his head on his shoulder. They were just adorable and I couldn't help but smile when I saw Taehyung place a quick peck on Jin's cheek.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now